Some common symptoms of cervical spondylosis

by Symptom Advice on May 19, 2011

Once neck pain, stiff neck, etc., some people very nervous, worried he must have had cervical spondylosis . In fact, this happens more often is caused by cervical fatigue, changes in posture, and more cervical rest can often relieve itself. In addition to cervical neck pain, but usually there will be dizziness , blurred vision, chest tightness, nausea , vomiting , numbness of the limbs, walking beat gone with the Wind and other symptoms. By X films, nuclear magnetic resonance, such as vertebral artery angiography to confirm the diagnosis. If you live in the following situations occur, we must guard against the possibility of cervical spondylosis.

1, often drive a friend, if often feel weakness, walking "playing gone with the Wind";

2, in recent months, there have been several stiff neck somehow the event;

3, in addition to neck discomfort, but often feel dizzy, vertigo, palpitation;

4, the desk for some time, the shoulder pain was found to lift it up;

5, neck and back feel when acid back, taking the time to go for a massage, the situation has improved, but a few days the situation is getting worse;

6, found that decreased visual acuity and that want to change the glasses, but also particularly vulnerable to fatigue the eye, afraid of meeting light, love tears.

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