What are some natural ways to ease ADHD symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on May 19, 2011

I heard there are certain vitamins that help.

A good mulitvitamin that is well absorbed by the body and a good antioxidant supplement area good start. Add a good grape seed extract product too and try eating less proccessed foods and eliminate those with lots of red dye in them./

No sugar! instead give them sugar free snacks, low sugar fruits, and keep them busy/active. no naps-tire them out and then they knock out on their own. Take them to the park and have them run around all day long-until they tire.

If you are intrested i have an ebook called three steps to conquering add/adhd. it was very helpful when i started looking into the alternative treatment for my son and myself. the two products we are using that are really working are INTRAMAX (liquid vitamin has over 400 vitamins) and neu be calm'd. these two have been working great together. you are welcome to email me if you need any advice or support. good luck to you.

None. Sugar is irrelevant – it was proven long ago not to cause ADHD (it could cause some temporary hyperactive symptoms, but that's not ADHD!) the jury is still out on omega-3 (fish and flaxseed oil). no vitamins will help. try exercise, yoga, meditation, time management and organization techniques, behavior modification, or medication.

My sons counselor would have him stare at one particular spot to see how long he could do it without looking away. he passed the test. the counselor said this was a new way to train children to focus and help with ADD. Periodically have your child stare as long as they can at one spot. no meds!

to decrease it ,cofee and choclate
i took a course in it

Excluding food additives or Feingold's diet is a strategy that may help. Brain wave training can also help if you accept that as being natural.

Cut down the grains and fruit in your diet and remove all sugar.

Also, if you have heavy metals in your system you need to seek information on detoxifying.

Finally, make sure that you curve in your neck (spinal column) is normal. if you have a reverse curve in your neck it will lead to problems like this and more if not corrected. a reverse curve is like scoliosis, its a incorrect curve that lead to serious health conditions.

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