by Symptom Advice on January 12, 2011

Cervical Cancer Symptoms Treatment and Cure 1 year 5 weeks ago

Cervical cancer is the Cancer which occurs when abnormal cells on the cervix which is the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina grow out of control. Cervical cancer can often be cured if it is found in the earlier stages. Cervical Cancer can be usually found through a Pap test where the doctor scrapes a small sample of cells from the surface of the cervix to look if there are cell changes. another breakthrough is a new device called APX which looks like a TV remote control with a pen like probe in its end which can diagonize Cervical Cancer in minutes.

Cervical Cancer Research 6 weeks 2 days ago

Cervical cancer research seeks new information on cervical cancer treatment and prevention options, such as HPV vaccines. Cervical cancer research is being done on using dietary supplements to treat abnormal cancer cells and cervical cancer treatment via chemotherapy.

Cervical cancer research on radiotherapy and biological therapies has progressed. Biological therapies are forms of cervical cancer treatment which use natural body substances or drugs made from natural body substances.

Cervical Cancer Information Video 2 hours 4 min ago

A short, informative introduction to the Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation, our mission, and the importance of vaccination.

The Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation (ACCF) is dedicated to eliminating cervical cancer in Australia and in developing countries. We aim to do this by enabling public awareness programs, screening and related womens health clinics and by providing cervical cancer vaccine to women who do not have access to it. Simple and inexpensive, but otherwise unavailable treatments can often prevent great suffering.

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