What are the main symptoms of labor/delivery pain?

by Symptom Advice on January 12, 2011

Hello ! first of all many thanks for giving me your valuable time. I am 9 Months Pregnant lady. Could you please just let me know the clear knowledge, that how I will come to know on any particular day….that now I am about yo deliver the Baby & I should go to Doctor NOW?……will I get enough time to reach Hospital if suddenly, I feel Labor Pain ?……. Please let me know in detail what are the Main symptoms of labor pain?

First babys usually take several hours from the onset of labor pains to delivery… You will get to the hospitl in time…

Labor pains are radiating pains (contractions) they will start in your back , upper abdomine and radiate around your belly… When you feel the first few relax time them they will likely be 12-15 minutes apart and last 15-20 seconds each… Don't freak out and drive to the hospital in a mad rush you have sometime….

Go to the hospital as soon as you feel the need… it's your body and your mind listen to both… If you would feel more comfortable in the hospital go there…. Thousands of times a day women go to the hospital to find out they are not really in labor, the nurses and dr.s in labor and delivery will monitor you and let you know for sure.. they will not laugh at you they know first time moms are nervous and need to be told everything is gonna be ok…

I suggest getting a bite to eat on the way to the hospital something light but filling as you will be there a while if it's really labor and you will get hungry…

You will do fine the staff at the hospital is there to help you and put your mind at ease…

not to worrying too much because the period cos to birth it would straigh came across your lower part will feel a bit pain bothside of your vagina place it came and stop and came again and agint between that different time period almost anhour or two or less than half anhour. don't panic you have enougth time to reached hospital usually if you follow my advice here.
now is time for you to rest more then previously keep trying sit or sleep don't walk too often is danger for your baby try on rest as you didn't do before is hard but it's work to save and store up your energy for birth period. usually the baby would came so faster it slow but you will feel the special pain as you never did before.

ok. sometimes the water does not break first. mine never did. it always happened at the hospital. you will feel something like your period cramp, only much more intense. this will last a bit bit than fade. if this is followed by another, keep track of time between, than head to the doctor if the contractions start increasing in pace (please allow enough time if you live a measurable distance away from the hospital) you should get in or call your doctor as most have an after hour line. and remember, every person & pregnancy is different. my first pregnancy, I was in "real" labor for exactly 2 1/2 hours before he was born. my second, I was in for 24 hours. real labor will almost knock the air out of you and make you almost double over, you will know

let's see…i was eating cereal and walking to the kitchen when my water broke (little trickle) and then i felt my contractions becoming more frequent (like my stomach was pumping and hardening, stopping, then releasing). after a good day's worth of that i just felt like i had the period cramps from hell. whew…it was bad, trust me-you'll know.

I'm 9 months as well and this site below was GREAT! best wishes to you and Congrats!!


It isn't like in the movies where all the sudden, "Oh my god, it's time! hurry!" no it is much calmer than that. You will (or you probably have already) had contractions. but they are not consistent. (They have no pattern) When you are in labor the contraction will last the same amount of time and there will be the same amount of time in between the contractions. You are supposed to go to the hospital when your contractions are 5 minutes apart. this means from when the first contraction starts to when the next contraction starts. (So The contraction should last 1 minute and you have 4 minutes in until the next contraction starts. They should do this over and over for about an hour.) They may get closer together but still have a pattern. (2 minute contraction and a 3 minute break.) You will have plenty of time to get to the hospital. You may even start labor 2 days before you go to the hospital. You could have contractions 10 minutes apart. If you think you may be in labor you need to call your doctor first anyway, so tell them how long they are and how long in between and they will tell you weather you are ready for the hospital or not. good luck and CONGRATULATIONS!

1. would have to be water breaking. Sensation of having to pee, but wayyy too much coming out.
2. mild pains in your lower back, lower abdomen. Comparable to menstrual cramps.
3. pains getting more intense. More frequent.

Relax for now and get some sleep. If you are in true labour, it will wake you up and keep you awake. otherwise it may be the Braxton-Hicks contractions, preparing for birth, but not yet.
You are going to have this baby soon, and will value any sleep you will have gotten before labour starts! good Night New Mommy!!

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