Diet to Control Psoriasis

by Symptom Advice on March 6, 2011

Psoriasis is an auto-immune skin disease that occurs when skin cells grow rapidly. When our immune system gives faulty signals, new skin cells form too quickly. The body does not shed these extra cells and as a result they pile up on the skin’s surface and form thick, itchy and dry red patches that are often painful.

Since psoriasis, being a metabolic disease, has no cure, treatment is done to control the symptoms. Traditional medicines have number of side effects like vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, liver and kidney damage, fever, and joint and muscle pain.

Consuming a Psoriasis diet can help to stop the symptoms from aggravating. since diet alone may not help to eliminate the symptoms and because traditional medicines have lots of side effects, there are many natural products available that can help to prevent the symptoms when used in combination with a psoriasis diet.

Since psoriasis is caused by malfunctioning of immune system, a healthy diet can help to prevent symptoms from worsening. Poor diet can worsen the condition as well. Certain foods can aggravate the symptoms. So eliminating them from your diet is necessary.

Foods like soda, spicy and oily foods, junk foods, red wine, acidic food, berries, and tomatoes should be avoided or at least reduced in your diet. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water in a day at the least; and also reduce the quantity of sugar and fat in your diet.

A cleansing fasting routine with the help of vegetable and fruits juice such as that of cucumber, carrot, beet and grapes can help to prevent the symptoms from flaring up. But juice of citrus fruit should not be included. Use warm water enema during the fast to cleanse the bowel. It should be continued for two weeks.

After the completion of juice fasting, there is need to adopt a diet from three main food groups including nuts, seeds and grains. Include lots of vegetables and fruits in your breakfast along with raw seeds and nuts like sunflower sees, sesame seed, pumpkin seed and handful of nuts. At lunch, eat green vegetables, sprouts and salads; steamed vegetables and whole wheat bread will be a better option for dinner.

If you find improvement in your condition include yogurt, home made cottage cheese, and skimmed milk in your diet. Eggs, butter and cream milk should be avoided. thus, a healthy diet and exercise will help to control the symptoms of psoriasis quite well.

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