What Is the Best Herpes Medicine for You?

by Symptom Advice on March 6, 2011

Herpes is a disease which is reported to affect every one in six individuals. it is often both physically and psychologically debilitating to those affected. Although there are no known cures for the disease, there are treatments which can help to minimize outbreaks and lessen the frequency. there are different opinions on the best herpes medicine today. Some will argue that pharmaceuticals are best while others prefer the more natural approach.

Herpes shows itself in many forms depending on the type. it affects the nervous system and can present itself as cold sores, genital sores, shingles, or chickenpox. Herpes has also been known to cause meningitis in some severe cases. Finding the best herpes medication will depend heavily on the type of symptoms you are experiencing.

Over The Counter Remedies

One of the only known over-the-counter remedies for herpes is available for those affected by cold sores. this medication has been proven in laboratories to lessen the pain and itching and reduce the duration of the outbreak. Other product sold over the counter are merely for pain relief products and include aspirin, ibuprofen and the like.

Prescription Medications

There are a variety of prescription medications used to treat herpes. Here are a few of the more common ones prescribed by physicians:

Acyclovir – an antiviral prescribed to treat infections such as cold sores, shingles and chickenpox. it can also help to reduce the frequency of outbreaks in genital herpes. this drug is taken orally and is available in both liquid and pill form.

Denavir – this is a topical medication which has been shown to lessen the severity of outbreaks and decrease the symptoms. it is also and antiviral medication and works by slowing the growth of the virus. The cream is applied to the affected areas at the first sign of an outbreak.

Famciclovir – like Acyclovir it is taken orally and is also an antiviral. it is more commonly prescribed for shingles, mouth sores and genital outbreaks.

Valtrex – this is one of the more commonly known treatments for herpes and is often prescribed to children with chickenpox to help relieve the symptoms and prevent further spreading. it is also frequently prescribed for genital herpes to diminish the frequency of outbreaks. it is also taken orally.

To find out which prescription may best for you, it is advised that you contact your physician.

Some individuals believe that the best herpes medicine is not a medicine at all, but an herbal supplement. Many herbs have been long known to help alleviate the symptoms of the disease and assist in lessening the severity and frequency of outbreaks. Here are a few of the most well-known natural remedies available.

Echinacea – this herb is well-known for its ability to boost the immune system. it can assist is preventing outbreaks or at least minimizing the frequencies. it can be taken in capsule form or brewed as a tea.

Aloe Vera – this plant is commonly used topically to help relieve dry skin and heal cuts quickly. it can assist in speeding up the healing of sores and reducing pain often caused by scabs. The aloe vera gel will prevent cracking and bleeding of the sores by keeping the skin moist.

Wheat Grass – Adding this into the diet regularly can increase the immune system. it also acts as an antiviral which may lessen the duration and severity of the outbreak. The addition of Vitamin B, blue green algae and chlorophyll can also have the same effect and can easily be integrated into the daily routine.

Lemon Balm – this has been shown to reduce the healing time of sores and assist in lowering the number of outbreaks. it is generally found in the form of an oil which can be applied topically or ingested.

Depending on your preference, finding the best herpes medicine may mean little more than a visit to your local health food store. You can also find a variety of recipes for teas and salves which you can make at home and utilize for the prevention of outbreaks and to help alleviate the symptoms.

Whichever method you choose, it is best to discuss it with your physician or practitioner to insure you do not have allergic reactions or complications from interactions with other medications you may be taking. Finding the best herpes medicine for you may be a bit time consuming, but it is best to take the time and do the research when it comes to your health or the health of your family.

To get rid of your herpes problem why not try the best herpes medicine available today!

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