Do You Know What Colon Cancer Is

by Symptom Advice on March 12, 2011

Colon cancer is uncommon in those under forty years of age and tends to be associated with a poorer prognosis. Another consideration is that people who don?t have symptoms at the time of diagnosis tend to have a better prognosis. Colon cancer is regarded as the second leading cause of most cancer deaths in the United States.

Colon cancer is a long-standing disease, which starts as a polyp or a small non-cancerous growth. Colon cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related death in Canada. it is estimated that one of 16 Canadian men and one of 18 Canadian women will develop colon cancer in their lifetimes, just behind breast cancer for women and prostate cancer in men.

Colon cancer is most common in people over age 50. Colon cancer is easily treated, and even cured in some cases, if lesions are caught early. the problem is that most people don’t know they are harboring cancerous growths, since the disease has very few symptoms.

Colon cancer is the second most common form of cancer in the United States and the number three cause of cancer death in Americans. the appearance of an adenomatous polyp precedes malignant tumors in 95% percent of all colon cancer cases.

Colon cancer is often fatal if the cancer cells have spread unchecked through the lymphatic system or bloodstream to adjacent and/or distant tissues. Colorectal cancer has a strong tendency to metastasize to the liver, which represents the leading cause of death for people with the disease.

Colon cancer is preventable. the most important step towards preventing colon cancer is getting a screening test. Colon cancer is caused by the abnormal growth of cells in the lining of the bowel. Usually small lumps called polyps begin to form.

Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths. the American Cancer Society recommends that men and women be screened for colon cancer beginning at age 50. Colon cancer is a very common cancer second only to lung cancer.

The strongest risk factor for colon cancer is age. Colon cancer is the fourth most common cancer and the second-largest cause of cancer death in the U.S. about 98,200 new cases of colon cancer will be diagnosed in 2001, and colon cancer is expected to be responsible for approximately 48,000 deaths in the U.S.

Women eating red meat daily ran over twice the risk of developing colon cancer than women eating red meat less than once a month. Women with a history of breast cancer are not at an increased risk of colorectal cancer, conclude authors of a study published in this week’s issue of THE LANCET. A history of breast cancer has been reported as a risk factor for colorectal cancer in women.

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