My dog has the following symptoms…What do you think happened? ?

by Symptom Advice on March 12, 2011

My dog was outside and when he crossed the threshold to come back inside his back arched really high, he started shaking, and his legs were folded up and we're almost paralyzed looking (he could not walk). his upper body was normal and so was his face and expression. The vet thinks he possibly had a seizure but my dog was coherent while exhibiting these symptoms and he wasn't drooling or unresponsive. The shaking/paralyzed legs only lasted around two minutes and then he was back to his normal, playful self. has this happened to anyone else's pet before? Thank you for your help!

Yes, it surely could have been a seizure. .They can escalate or increase in number and severity.
Medications can control seizures & the animal should be monitored.
Other animals may become alarmed and it can promote an attack.
It doesn't state how old your animal is,any recent injuries etc.
Should this happen again, get to a vet asap for evaluation.

Definitely sounds like a seizure. Maybe a localized seizure that only encompassed the back end. have the vet do some blood work if it happens again. It could get worse, so be prepared.

It could have been a seizure, but it could also have been a stroke or some sort of poisoning. take him to another vet for a second opinion.

Get a diagnosis from a vet!

That does sound like a seizure.awe, that is sad.

he was smoking too much reefer

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