Does anyone else have these back related pain and symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on April 19, 2011

My husband is having back pains that also cause hot flashes in his feet and chronic numbness in his legs and arms. The pain also moves from his back to his neck and legs and sometimes his arms. he gets frequent headaches and migranes and often has difficulty walking because of the amount of pain. he has been to the hospital for many different test including MRI's and other test. The only thing they have found so far is arthritis. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms?

I have similar problems in my lower back with pain shooting down my left leg. The pain is very dibilitating and comes and goes usually lasting 6 to 8 weeks at a time with 4 week breaks in between. My problem is Sciatica. The siatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body going from your lower back to the end of your toes. I have a rupture(aka herniated) disk between L5 and S1. This rupture causes pressure on the nerves where they leave the protection of the spinal column. This condition can be limited to only pain, but in my case I have already had permanent damage and can no longer feel my left foot. I am currently going to have injections to reduce the swelling and hopefully lower the pressure and pain coming from this problem. I am ready to have surgery though because life can be hell with this condtion. I have noticed that I also have the problems with pain in my upper back, arms, shoulders, neck, and my right leg as well. If the condition is bad enough one tends to favor the injured side of the body causing the spine to become out of alignment. As everyone knows the spine is very important to the function of our everyday lives. As far as the headaches, yes i unfortunately have those too. Good luck finding out if this is the condition your husband is suffering from, my own doctor waited a year while the problem escalated before sending me to a specialist. Hope this helps and hope its not what he has!!!!!!!!!!

No, that sounds pretty horrible. It sounds a bit severe for arthritis, hope they get to the bottom of it for you both.

This could be Neuropathy damage to the nerves, alot of time caused by Diabeities. But there could be other causes as well, he needs to see a specialist

I have similar pains and suffer from a displaced coccyx(tailbone). Has he every had a trauma to his tailbone?
Check out this website, it may help

I just came from a site about pinched nerves. Check this out..…
It could be.. Good luck.

Everyday of my life and am a physical mess! I have more than just arthritis though and obviously so does he. did he see a rhuematologist and BD specialist?

sounds like a disc issue, maybe slightly bulging. I have a bulging disc in my neck and had one years ago in my back/ get a second opinion!!!!!!! Before nerve damage takes place. Physiotherapy does wonders,

Sounds more like a nerve problem not arthritis. I am sure some might be but not the waving pain. My mother has had this problem. Don't go to the hospital. go to a pain management clinic that specializes in back pain.

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