How do I deal with my grandfather who suffers from Dementia?

by Symptom Advice on April 19, 2011

A few months ago, my grandfather had a stroke and my mom says he has a symptom of a stroke called Dementia. This means that he can't control his behavior at times. he mostly has his attacks on me. he looks really angry. he says some things and makes threats. it makes me want to not be around him. he is nice most of the time however. I want to know how I can respond to him when he is having a ''Dementia Attack'' as I call it.

My grandma has dementia and all you can do is remind yourself that your grandfather isn't in right now. your grandfather isn't tell you those mean things the dementia is. my cousin quit speaking to our grandmother because she blames my grandmother for the mean things that the dementia said. When he gets like that just say :ok, grandpa I can tell your grumpy, i will be back in 5mins and see if your back.

You shouldn't blame a person for a side effect of their disease. he is sick and you have to remind yourself the sickness is talking.

Whatever he says it doesn't mean anything so don't take it personally. If you find it particularly painful it would be perfectly all right to tell your grandfather that you just dropped in to see how he was doing and you can't stay, and then come back another time when he is doing better. I know how unpleasant it can be as I've been through a similar situation myself.

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