Early Menopause: What are some of the causes? – Afrik-news.com : Africa news, Maghreb news – The african daily newspaper

by Symptom Advice on March 20, 2011

But as it affects younger women, the issue of pregnancy can be a matter of particular concern.

As the menopause usually occurs at around the age of fifty, specialists use the term early menopause or rather “premature ovarian dysfunction” when it occurs before the age of 40.

When menopause occurs, periods cease. Sometimes it engenders menstrual cycle problems, including hot flushes, mood swings, vaginal dryness, etc.

And according to medical experts, women should consult with their doctors as soon as they start experiencing some of the symptoms.

While early menopause can be brought on by treatment for certain types of cancer, chromosome anomalies can also be to blame, as can auto-immune diseases.

Smoking too has been shown to be a risk factor. however, it is often the case that the precise cause of early menopause remains unknown.

To improve the patient’s quality of life, but also to avoid the risks associated with the menopause, and osteoporosis in particular, appropriate treatment may be offered.

So speak to your doctor.

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