Epstein Barr Virus Symptoms – Fatigue

by Symptom Advice on March 20, 2011

Fatigue is the most common of all the Epstein Barr virus symptoms. it can range from mild to debilitating and has been known to linger for many months after the initial EBV infection.

The most important thing you can do for tiredness is rest your body and get a good night’s sleep each night. it is during deep sleep that your body produces growth hormone – your body’s repair hormone.

If you have got through the first week or two of the infection and are still fatigued, then add the following basic supplements: magnesium, B vitamin complex and vitamin C. These nutrients can help strengthen the adrenals and restore your energy and well being. Herbs which may help to calm Epstein Barr virus symptoms like insomnia and anxiety are valerian, skullcap, hops, chamomile and ginseng. St Johns Wort (Hypericum ) is particularly good for fatigue associated with depression.

If you are still tired and are craving sweets then add L-glutamine and chromium – these can help your blood sugar regulation. A high protein diet also helps to minimise blood sugar fluctuations. You should avoid high carbohydrate foods like sugar, processed foods and excess grains. many patients report a vast improvement in their Epstein Barr virus symptoms on this diet.

If your Epstein Barr virus symptoms include paleness and cold extremities it could be that you are low in iron. your doctor should be able to test your iron levels. If you are anaemic then take an easily absorbed form of iron like an iron chelate. it should be taken with specific nutrients like folic acid and vitamins B12, B1 and B6 to help absorption and utilisation.

An under active thyroid gland can produce symptoms that mimic Epstein Barr virus symptoms. Again your doctor can run a blood test for this. If your fatigue is due to an underactive thyroid then L-Tyrosine, Iodine, Zinc, and fish oils may help. These nutrients are involved in optimising your basal metabolic rate.

Ongoing fatigue that does not respond to the above may improve on some liver and gastrointestinal cleansing. A sluggish or congested liver is often the culprit in ongoing Epstein Barr virus symptoms. I give all my patients a herbal gastrointestinal and liver cleanse plus the recommendation to drink half a juiced lemon in warm water on rising in the morning plus at least 2-3 litres of pure water a day. be aware that these detoxification protocols can cause temporary tiredness as toxins are flushed out from your body.

For further information on Epstein Barr virus symptoms and how to treat them naturally please refer to the e-book “Nature’s Amazing Mononucleosis Cures”. If your symptoms persist beyond a few weeks it is worth finding a holistic doctor or naturopath who can run further tests.

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