Fibroids And Heavy Clotting

by Symptom Advice on December 16, 2010

Uterine fibroids are usually the most common tumor which is benign (non cancerous) that is found in a woman’s uterus. About 30% to 40% of women suffer from fibroids at one point or another during their lifetime. Research is ongoing on better understanding fibroids and effective treatments. this article discusses uterine fibroid symptoms and treatment as well as finding natural treatments for fibroids to rid sufferers of these tumors.

these tumors of the smooth muscle that is usually found in the wall of the uterus are known as uterine fibroids. these fibroids of the uterus are usually found within the wall of the uterus or can attach to the wall of the uterus. Uterine fibroids can grow in the form of a single tumor or in clusters of tumors and can grow to any size. Fibroids can lead to various health issues despite being considered benign (no cancer cells).

Uterine Fibroids Symptoms

do note that most fibroids do not require treatment and may not lead to many health problems. others may cause;

a. Excessive menstrual blood or heavy menstrual cycles leading to anemia as well as debilitation.

b. Discomfort or pain in the pelvis

c. the need to urinate frequently

d. Infertility or other problems getting pregnant

e. Headaches due to the fibroids pressing against nerves

f. A condition known as “compression syndrome” which affects body parts such as the bladder which then leads to bloating, frequent urination as well as constipation. Other body parts affected include the rectum which may be pressed upon by the fibroids.

g. Shortness of breath or feeling dizzy

if fibroids do not produce any symptoms, they can be detected during a normal pelvic exam. An ultrasound can also be used to detect any fibroids as well as to help determine whether you suffer from a fibroid or an ovarian cyst. Fibroids mainly affect women that have a long family history of uterine fibroids. In addition, fibroids affect black women is greater numbers than any other racial group.

Traditional Treatments for Fibroids

if the fibroids produce no symptoms or are small in size, no treatment is usually necessary. if not, to control the bleeding which may in some cases soak up more than three tampons or pads or other fibroids symptoms, hormonal medicines can be prescribed or surgery may be performed such as:

1. Hysterectomy which is the removal of both the uterus and the fibroids and is the most common surgical procedure related to fibroids to cure fibroids. if any cancerous cells are observed the ovaries and fallopian tubes are usually removed as well. Besides feeling less than a woman as well as continuing to take medications to control mood and other side effects, this surgery is expensive.

2. Myomectomy is surgery performed to only remove the fibroids. the uterus is usually left alone allowing the woman to be able to get pregnant if she wishes.

3. Clotting of the blood supply to the fibroids is a new approach that has shown great results. when the blood supply to the fibroids is blocked, the fibroid can shrink.

Holistic or Natural Treatments for Fibroids

Natural treatments have been shown to provide great results for the treatment and cure of fibroids. Surgery always carries a risk and the side effects may be very unpleasant. the surgery also costs a great deal. Surgeries such as hysterectomies can be very depressing for women since they will feel less than a woman without a uterus and all hopes of having a baby go out the window. Natural treatments for fibroids are less invasive and are become more and more popular with women because of their effectiveness.

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