Symptoms of raised hormone levels, the pill and ovarian mass?

by Symptom Advice on December 16, 2010

Hi, I have been diagnosed with a complex left adnexa mass and am currently waiting to see a Gyno. Before the mass was found because of the pain and irregular bleeding I tried two different contraceptive pills, neither of them helped. The both increased my lower back pain and made my constant nausea a lot worse. I would like to know if adnexa mass or ovarian cysts can cause oestrogen and progesterone levels to be raise and if this was what was causing my constant nausea. I figure that if it was, taking the contraceptive pills that are hormones would have been why my symptoms were worse when taking them. I will be asking my Gyno in 2 weeks, but have goggled around and can't seem to find a straight forward answer. anyone who knows or has experienced this or similar, I would really appreciate answers and advice .Thanks

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