Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on February 4, 2011

Generalized anxiety disorder is a medical condition that is affecting lots of people. As every medical condition, it has specific symptoms. keep on reading in order to be able to tell if you experience some of the generalized anxiety disorder symptoms, so that you can receive treatment as early as possible.

A person suffering of generalized anxiety disorder is constantly worrying, develops obsessions, and is experiencing a large amount of stress and a feeling of uncertainty. A sufferer might feel that he or she is the only one in this world facing such problems and that he or she has no way to escape this situation.

There are some symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder that are usually known by everybody. They are the most common symptoms and include physical reactions such as shallow breathing, muscular tension and pains, a constant state of fatigue, and trembling. Besides these symptoms, the sufferers also experience sleeping problems like insomnia or frequent nightmares, have an increased level of irritability and might even accuse memory loss, difficulty to concentrate or periods of confusion.

Suffering of generalized anxiety disorder may affect one’s social life in a very negative manner. Before even realizing it, the sufferer will start to avoid going out and socializing, because of the constant worry he or she is experiencing. the overwhelming feeling that something bad is going to happen will stop the sufferer from doing his or hers normal activities, this including meeting people. In time, he or she will become a shy and withdrawn person.

Sometimes a person affected by this disorder is impaired to correctly complete his or hers job requirements. sometimes the job can become extremely stressful for the one affected by this disorder, even if it is just a normal job. if the job is indeed a very solicitant one and implies a high level of stress, this might even be a cause for generalized anxiety disorder. This disorder might lead to other mental conditions such as different phobias or depression.

You can tell that something is wrong with someone suffering of generalized anxiety disorder, as it is visible that he or she is tensed and irritable and overreacts when it’s not the case.

Some sufferers might also experience more severe physical symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, shortness of breathing, fainting, shacking or abdominal pains and vomiting.

In order to get rid of the generalized anxiety disorder symptoms you should first find and suppress its cause. Once you know the cause, a variety of treatments is available: therapy, medication or natural remedies. make a doctor’s appointment if you think you might be affected of this disorder.

And, a natural technique to stop anxiety and panic attacks can be found on my site. Click here to find out the most powerful method for eliminating panic attacks and general anxiety without the use of medication.

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