I slept with an escort 8 days ago and now i am showing symptoms of STDs!,what shall i do?

by Symptom Advice on February 4, 2011

i had sex with an escort even though i used protection but now there are symptoms showing Genital warts and genital herpes.

I booked an appointment to see a doctor but the earliest date is 2 weak from today. how can i rearrange my appointment to an earlier date? i told the receptionist its an emergency but they said they cannot do nothing about it & i have the earliest date.

Most hospitals offer STD testing. Call the hospital nearest to your house and ask about whether or not they offer this. go get tested.

Also, you need to remember that condoms often don't protect you from diseases such as genital herpes and HPV (Genital warts) because there is still skin on skin contact between the skin around the penis and the woman's vulva. You need to be careful about these; if you see that a woman is having a breakout of one of these diseases, abstain from having sex with her. also, always wash yourself after having sex.

I say go online! I know it's wierd trying to diagnose yourself online but it might give you hints on what to do, it might even tell you to go to hospital. Do you live in the uk? if so then go to a&e or phone nhs helpline and they can help you!
If not then going online is your best bet, it can give you advice on what it is exactly and how to deal with it

Call the ambulance.

Then go to the hospital.

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