Genital Warts Symptoms Are Not always The Same

by Symptom Advice on May 17, 2011

Different population may have different genital warts symptoms. For about half of those with Hpv, there are never any symptoms at all. most often, warts appear in one of two ways; as warts like you would see on another part of the body, or as flat lesions that are just barely raised above the skin. They may be in clusters or alone. They are normally white or the same color as the surrounding skin.

Early Stages of Genital Warts Reviews

A few common genital warts symptoms include:

- Lumps or swollen places on the skin nearby the genitals that are pink or grey, and grow over time.

- Itchiness or hurt of the skin.

- a burning feeling on the skin of the genitals.

- Blood or pain while sexual intercourse.

Genital warts are often very small and are not visible. this form of the virus is referred to as “subclinical Hpv.” a someone with subclinical Hpv will have no idea that they are infected because they have no outward signs.

It is particularly common for women to not create symptoms. this is dangerous, because some strains of Hpv can cause cervical cancer. many women never know they have the disease until they find that they get a pap smear and find that it is abnormal. a pap smear is when a doctor checks a woman’s cervical cells. if a pap smear reveals that there is a opening of Hpv infection, your doctor may recommend more tests.

There is no cure for Hpv, but there are many treatments ready that will help. there are both home prescribe remedies such as topical creams, and healing procedures that will involve frequent trips to the doctor. Doctors warn against using non-prescription treatments. They often use abrasive chemicals to kill the warts, and these chemicals can have negative side effects if used incorrectly. the genitals are a sensitive area, so it’s not a good idea to take chances.

If you presume that you may have genital warts, you should see a doctor and abstain from sexual feel for a while. if you have genital warts, the virus can be passed on to your partner straight through skin to skin contact.

Taking care of the question early will save you issue later on. like any disease or health problem, early treatment is your best chance. your doctor will be able to recommend you on the best course of activity to make those warts disappear.

Genital Warts Symptoms Are Not always the Same

Early Stages of Genital Warts

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