Physical Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure – What You Should Know

by Symptom Advice on May 17, 2011

Hypertension can sometimes confuse both the patient and the doctor for a couple of reasons. one, the physical symptoms of high blood pressure can vary quite widely. which leads us to the second reason – these symptoms can be synonymous to other illnesses. That’s why, in dealing with any illness, a thorough examination of the patient, including checking blood pressure, is essential.

High blood pressure is a scapegoat for many a doctor, even if he/she is diagnosing a patient due to a totally unrelated condition. Many organs, conversely, are affected by hypertension if left undiagnosed, such as the kidneys, liver and the heart. It could lead to vision problems and strokes in extreme cases.

Some of the most common physical symptoms of high blood pressure include headaches, blurred vision, convulsions, clinical depression, labored walking or exertion and extreme excitement or giddiness.

Difficulty in even minor physical exertion and unusual tiredness may be signs of cardiac damage from high blood pressure. other signs that may manifest themselves include unusually deep breathing and sweating. This is a serious situation and calls for immediate medical attention.

If you experience pain while urinating or need to go more often than usual, this means your kidneys may have been damaged. a pasty complexion may be observed, caused by a lack of electrolytes and poor hydration.

High blood pressure can affect vision causing lesions in the ocular region. Lack of immediate attention could cause a total loss of vision.

But again, these symptoms are common to so many other illnesses that many doctors miss out on the main cause. Doctors need to look for underlying causes that may be related to high blood pressure. Comprehensive testing may be necessary to zero in on the real problem.

In the event of organ damage, it is common for doctors to fail to spot the real underlying cause, that being hypertension, or high blood pressure. Blood pressure checks are done for many illnesses in order to avoid false diagnosis.

Diabetes and hypertension share many common symptoms if you come to think of it. In fact, a lot of them resemble those of your average drunkard hauled in for the night after creating a ruckus! This has led to many a physician failing to notice hypertension or to treat it just because he/she jumped to the conclusion that his/her patient had one drink too many the night before.

Myriad health issues can sprout from the wide range of physical symptoms of high blood pressure being left unnoticed. So it is crystal clear that seeing a doctor once you experience the above symptoms should be your first and only priority.

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