Gonorrhea Spread By Uninformed Teens

by Symptom Advice on April 20, 2011

Its shocking that 1 in 4 teens have been diagnosed with an STD. Out of 800,000 CDC/niaid cases world wide 63 million are diagnosed with Gonorrhea. More teens are admitting to be sexually active as well as having multiple partners. It’s time to educate ourselves as well as today’s’ young adults. We need to learn the facts, raise awareness, teach prevention, and offer support to those diagnosed and receiving treatment.

It is a bacteria, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae, that survives and multiplies in the reproductive tract, mouth, throat, eyes and rectum. it affects men, woman and newborns with infected mothers.

The infection is passed from an infected partner by contact with the penis, vagina, mouth or rectum, or through sexual excretions. Though ejaculation doesn’t have to occur for the disease to spread.

Any person is at risk of contracting this infection though rates are higher in sexually active teenagers and young adults under 25. Teens can be informed of prevention methods ranging from the always popular abstinence campaign to remaining monogamous in relationships with uninfected partners. Latex condoms and plastic barriers are also effective.

Once infected the incubation period takes about 1-14 days. within 2-5 days men begin showing mild symptoms usually in the morning. For this reason symptoms can be shrugged off and the infection remains undiagnosed. Symptoms for men include: swollen testicles and prostate, and green, yellow or white discharge from the penis. only 1 in 10 men are asymptomatic.

While such a large percentage of men show symptoms only 1 in 5 woman have mild symptoms if any. of those reported some are: increased vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding between periods, lower abdominal pain, painful intercourse, vomiting, fever, and the urge to urinate more frequently.

Both males and females experience painful urination. Rectal and oral infections produce different symptoms. Anal itching, discharge, soreness, bleeding and painful bowel movements indicate a rectal infection. only 1 in 10 cases of oral infection produce symptoms. a sore, itching throat are the only warning, though oral infections are rare.

If any of these symptoms are present the person should be checked by a health care professional. especially if pregnant. Pregnant women who suspect they may be infected should consult a medical professional to be tested. She can pass Gonorrhea to her newborn during delivery that can result in blindness, joint infection and a life threatening blood infection.

Several antibiotics cure Gonorrhea once its been detected. The infected individual is usually tested for other STD’s like Chlamydia since these infections are often present at the same time and can be treated together. This is in contrast with the herpes treatment Dynamiclear which is not a permanent cure.

If left untreated can cause life threatening complications. Men can become sterile, and women can develop Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), blocked fallopian tubes, long term pelvic pain and life threatening ectopic pregnancy.

Teens are uneducated and lacking information that could assist them in making better choices. they aren’t seeking proper medical care for infections like Gonorrhea, because they’re unaware of symptoms if any are present. The best way to stop the spread of STD’s is to teach safe sex, monogamy with an uninfected long term partner and abstinence.

  1. Why Parents Should Talk to their Teens About STDs
  2. Could you Have a Chlamydia Infection?
  3. Yeast Infections – what you Should Know
  4. Common Mental Health Disorders among Teens
  5. What you Should know About Herpes

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