High Blood Pressure

by Symptom Advice on April 17, 2011

What are the symptoms [intlink id="138" type="post"]of high blood[/intlink] pressure that are the most common? This is a hard question because usually it doesn’t have warning symptoms. This is just one of the reasons that you need to check your blood pressure often, especially for people who are older than forty years old.

Unfortunately, most of the time, high blood pressure doesn’t have any warning signs or major symptoms like the ones we will talk about in this article. how you treat your high blood pressure will be dependent upon how severe[intlink id="24" type="post"]your symptoms[/intlink] are and your medical history.

It’s quite possible that you have something called prehypertension which, your doctor will tell you, doesn’t usually present any particular symptoms. This pretty much means that your blood pressure is just a little bit higher than it usually is but it isn’t high enough to be called [intlink id="121" type="post"]hypertension. [/intlink]

While nobody wants to get bad news from the doctor, this is actually considered to be good news because it gives you the opportunity to treat your condition before it worsens into the level of hypertension. A physician can prescribe medicine and lifestyle changes and you can use one of dozens of [intlink id="54" type="post"]natural methods[/intlink] for lowering your pressure levels before your condition worsens.

You may not show any other symptoms, the simple fact that you have a stressful life and find yourself easily angered and frustrated means you are at risk for high blood pressure. also, it has been found that high blood pressure and heart disease are quite common among those who have Type A personalities.

An early warning sign of high blood pressure is then stress. Even if your job or lifestyle tends to be stressful, there are ways to control this and learn how to relax. If you learn these techniques it is less likely that you could develop high blood pressure.

Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, is a potential symptom of high blood pressure. Tinnitus is caused by a lot of different conditions in addition to high blood pressure and it can come in lots of different forms. If you have a bad case of tinnitus or it never goes away, you need to have it checked out by your physician because, in addition to being a sign of high blood pressure, it could indicate something else entirely. most of the time tinnitus isn’t caused or related to anything in particular and there are lots of [intlink id="70" type="post"]different treatments[/intlink] that can be done which is incredibly annoying. It is vital to make sure that your tinnitus is not caused by high blood pressure because this needs to be controlled as soon as you can.

When you suffer from high blood pressure there may be apparent symptoms, especially if your condition has gotten to a super high level. You will be in a much better position to keep your blood pressure under control if you figure out you have it before you reach life threatening pressures. If any of these signs or symptoms begin to appear, you may need medication but, more likely, your doctor will teach you how to control your condition with natural methods. What is most important of all is that you treat your condition with respect and that you make the changes you need to make to control it.

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