Human Papillomavirus HPV Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on April 17, 2011

Although human papillomavirus or HPV infection is not as serious and painful as other sexually transmitted diseases, it can become a factor for the causes of more serious illnesses to occur.

hpv symptoms picFor women, it can be a prelude to cervical cancer, a dreaded ailment that has caused many deaths all over the world. even if the HPV will not lead into such fatal illnesses though, the infection alone can cause so much discomfort and pain if left untended.

Because of this, it is imperative that a person infected with HPV must immediately seek remedies or treatment at the earliest stage recognized.

Unfortunately, knowing whether one has caught the human papillomavirus can be quite difficult. HPV infection can occur during sexual intercourse but the signs that it did happen are not immediately noticeable at all. Under this circumstance, an infected person will only realize that hehpv infection photo already contracted the virus through the visible symptoms that appear during the viral breakout.

For those who absolutely do not have any idea of what these symptoms are and how these look like, they may even think that these are normal. because of this, it is extremely necessary for people to know the symptoms of HPV, especially those who are already very sexually active.

The symptoms can begin to appear long after a sexual contact with a person already infected with HPV. It can even be as long as several months and as early as several weeks.

The appearance of genital warts is considered by many doctors as the most conclusive sign that a person is infected with HPV. This is because the HPV virus thrives most in the mucous membranes located particularly in the area surrounding the genitalia.


These can be on the scrotum, the inner thighs, the groins, or on the penis. For women, these can usually be found on the cervix. The genital warts can be identified by their distinct and abnormal appearances on the skin. although these can look like bumps or just flat discoloration, these are usually pinkish in color. in some cases, the warts can also have slightly darker color than that natural to the skin. However, the shapes may differ, from roundish to that similar to a cauliflower.

Women who are infected with HPV will not just have the genital warts as symptoms.

Aside from these visible signs, they will also experience itchiness in the areas in which the genital warts are growing. They may also experience the development of cervical warts, which can heighten the risk of cervical cancer.

As soon as these symptoms are discovered, the infected person must immediately see a doctor in order for the appropriate treatment to be applied. Women may also have to undertake diagnosis to find out the possibility of cervical infection.

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