What are the symptoms of someone who is schizophrenia?

by Symptom Advice on April 17, 2011

What are the symptoms? what should someone do if they have schizophrenia?

Its nice someone listed every symptoms known to man. The truth is some only exhibit a few of them. All individuals are different and symptoms present differently. To look at a list of symptoms is worthless unless you are a professional. Meet with a therapist in your area. Realize some people experience symptoms similiar to schizophrenia if they are using drugs, under severe distress, have a brain injury or have mood instability. Symptoms vary depending on multiple of factors and the individual. once again meet with a therapist if you don't have insurance then look up a mental health clinic in your area.

Schizophrenia is when you hear voices in your head. Usually you will talk with them and there have been cases were people have done something the voices told them to. I think you should talk to your doctor if you have schizophrenia.

If you want to talk to someone who actually has it and knows a lot about it (instead of just copies their information word for word from schizophrenia.com), e-mail me. That is not to say that schizophrenia.com isn't a good site though- it's great. Especially the discussion forums.

runny nose, diarrhea. lol
No but Schizophrenia symptoms include…. I forgot. (Hint)

and you are asking me like i should know lol,did you see my name

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