Low Vitamin D Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on April 17, 2011

For those that may be struggling with various health related issues, there may be some challenges in finding out what exactly is contributing to the problem. The body needs a natural balance in order to be most effective at fixing itself. If you are short on vitamins or minerals, you may have some health issues that could be fixed relatively easily. Some low vitamin D symptoms, for instance, may include any number of muscle or bone aches and pains.

There are several other symptoms that have been associated with a deficiency of vitamin D. To understand how this works, perhaps a little background is in order. take the fact that the human body naturally generates its own vitamin D in response to sunlight. this is a natural process that you can identify at times simply by spending that time in the sun yourself. The body can trigger the vitamin D with as little as 15 minutes per day.

If you are deficient, you may have some other low vitamin D symptoms, such as bone aches or muscle pain. Vitamin D plays a critical role in how the body regulates its calcium stores. this is why a lack may produce symptoms related to bone and muscle issues. Rickets is a common byproduct of insufficient vitamin D.

Weak bones to do calcium problems from lack of vitamin D may include tenderness with bones, increase in fractures (seen frequently with older individuals), dental problems including increase of cavities or overall decrease in dental health. other problems that may be related include headaches, asthma (especially in children), hypertension, diabetes, and even cancer.

Although these symptoms and diseases are not the direct result of vitamin D deficiency in all cases, the inability to regulate calcium properly due to this deficiency is what may be contributing to the problem.

There are numerous studies that have been done on this topic in recent years. those with a lack of exposure to the sun especially combined with other dietary deficiencies, such as no fish or meat or dairy may also experience some of these low vitamin D symptoms.

The recommendations put forth on the internet or elsewhere may only help the reader potentially understand that getting appropriate sunlight or other means of supplementation for vitamin D is definitely important. Having your levels checked to see where you are is something that should be undertaken with the support of your medical professional. Balancing your diet, exercise, and overall activity, including time in the sun will help you maintain the proper balance of vitamins and minerals in your body which will keep you at your healthiest possible state.

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