How does d-mannose work to treat bladder symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on May 2, 2011

Is there medically validated research?

It is proposed to work by binding to the bacteria and blocking their ability to "stick" to the bladder, thus they get flushed out and are unable to create an infection.

There is limited research, put it looks somewhat promising.
I would be cautiously optimistic.

I've had 20 UTI's and 3 Kidney infection in past 2 years.
I started to take 100% d-mannose everyday and UTI free since October! D-mannose is really expensive, especially 100% pure ones. I haven't found it in US, so I order from UK through this website! It has all the researches and useful informations.
check this website!

I believe there's in-vitro and theoretical research to indicate that it would probably work. There haven't been any studies done on people yet though, to my knowledge. However, people who use it say it works. It certainly works for me…

(Incidentally you can buy it in Canada in health food stores… Yay! Finally something that you can get in Canada and not the US! usually it's the opposite and I end up all pissed off that I'm not American…)

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