How long will it take for my sulfa allergy symptoms to wear off?

by Symptom Advice on November 26, 2010

This is pretty bad but I'm allergic to sulfa but I've been using a sulfa topical acne product for like two years. MY DERMATOLIGIST ID RETARDED. anyway, i had some problems with rashes and breathing before I determined it was becuase of the product. I just stopped using. Seeing as I used it for 2 years, how long do you think it will take for the allergies to wear off.

Hi Big P,
oh dear! this is what happens when you try to suppress a symptom instead or removing the cause. I'd say you got off light. Pharmaceutical medicine is the no. 1 killer throughout the first World and has been for many years. the reason? Keeping you ill so that they can continue to sell you (mostly poisonous) quack nostra to suppress the symptoms. It then becomes a race between the medication and the real problem as to which kills you.

If you have something like acne for more than three days, you have a VERY serious problem! your body is not detoxifying properly! this is long-term deadly.

It is pretty certain that you need to make some major changes to your diet. Contact the Kushi Institute (link below) to get details of your nearest consultant. Work with him/her to get yourself into a healthy state – a condition which is NOT typical for N. Americans!!!

Don't waste time. do it now.

Blessed be.

Karma Singh

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