How to Avoid Sinusitis

by Symptom Advice on April 18, 2011

Millions of Americans are affected by sinusitis every year, more than in the years before the discovery of antibiotics. although ant biotherapy is still the best method to cure some sinus infections, especially those produced by bacteria.

Local oral decongestants and corticosteroids may decrease inflammation in the sinuses and nasal membranes and antihistamine to reduce symptoms in case of allergic sinusitis. but chemical medication alone will not cure and prevent the recurrence of sinusitis. home treatment and care should prevent inflammation of the membranes and ensure their health and functional anatomy.

The mucous membranes of the passages of the nose and sinus cavities can be irritated by dry air or cold, pollution, allergies or colds banal. When this happens to get wet membranes and cilia intention of evacuating foreigners mucus and slower. Chills are hairy fine particles located in the terminal part of the nasal lining. mucous glands are also stimulated to kill bacteria by secreting more mucus.

Due to inflammation, mucus and bacteria are trapped inside the sinuses and infection occurs.

The most common symptoms are sinusitis:

1. cold or flu-like signs last longer than 3 days

2. The patient feels uncomfortable pressure around the eyes, forehead and cheeks

4. Weakness and fatigue

5. Small amounts of mucus were sliding down the back of the throat

The prevention of sinusitis means avoiding an excessive amount of mucus secreted by the care of the structure and function of cilia. This is how you can prevent and, if it occurred, treat the symptoms of sinusitis:

1. Keep your body well hydrated by drinking soup, hot tea or other hot liquids.

2. Mucous membranes hydrated help the movements of cilia and the elimination of mucus easier. Hot coffee is not good medicine such as caffeine.

3. Always take your tea or applied to the hot water for air travel, such as damages of dry air of the sinus membranes, which must be kept moist all the time.

4. Apply warm towels on your face for about 5 minutes three times a day. Hot water and steam circulation and facilitate the cilia move.

5. Water regularly breasts through an input circuit and output of salt water at low pressure. Pharmacies offering sinus irrigators and Hydro Pulse to help irrigate their breasts properly and without pain. these devices are easy to use and the pulse of water is gentle on your sinuses.

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