Information About Black Mold Health Risks

by Symptom Advice on April 18, 2011

There are no pretty descriptions that you can use when describing what mold looks like in your home. you can say the same about the way it affects your health; it is not pretty when you are exposed to the spores that can make you sick. Depending on your general physical condition, these exposures can run from only irritating to making you really sick. Age and your well being also play a role in the seriousness of the exposure. Knowing about black mold health risks, and what is causing you to be sick, can help you in eliminating it from your environment.

Mold spores release themselves from the surfaces they grow on and distribute through the air. They can also be spread through water and on the bodies of animals and bugs. Once airborne, they can be inhaled by breathing them in, or ingested if the spores land on food or drink.

Airborne spores can trigger a number of ailments in your body. Allergic reactions can present themselves, even if the person has no history of allergies. They can cause asthma attacks in people who suffer from asthma. a person who has even the smallest exposure to these spores can experience sinus infections and become more likely to contract a cold or the flu.

People with delicate medical issues will more than likely face issues with spores. those who have weak immunity to infection, infants and children, the elderly, and ones who have an existing lung condition are prime targets. if you can not fight a regular infection for a certain medical reason, your body will have a difficult time resisting the affects of spores that are airborne.

This type of airborne malady is exceptionally dangerous to those who are already sick and in a compromised position with their immune system. because it can be very serious, it can also be fatal with some. no matter what the level of spores in the air, if you are sick, there is a bigger threat of a bigger medical issue.

The symptoms you may first experience when exposed to the spores can be quite mild and not seem very threatening. Complaints of a stuffy nose and sneezing, itchy eyes, coughing and even headaches are very common from initial onset. as an illness starts to progress, though, the symptoms can become more of a danger.

These symptoms can become much worse if you let them. Signs that things are worsening would be blood coming from your lungs, your nose bleeding, and your joints feeling very sore. Learning what the black mold health risks are will help you in ensuring that the air you breathe at home is as healthy as possible to avoid these serious medical issues.


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