I am so worried about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I lost my baby to uterine rupture 8 mos back. Do I have this?

by Symptom Advice on March 11, 2011

Please help me.
I read online that uterine rupture can be a strong symptom. apart from that I have very soft skin.
I am so worried. my parents or anyone in family doesnt have this. I am pretty healthy and dont bruise easily and very mild translucent skin

There are other reasons for uterine rupture – perhaps how your labor/pregnancy were managed, etc. that don't have to do with illness. how far along in your pregnancy were you? Have you had prior uterine scars? were you given Cytotec in labor? From what little I've read or heard about the disease you mentioned, I would think you would have other outward signs first, but that's just an opinion.

I'm so sorry about your loss.

Only your Dr. could tell you for sure whether or not you have this – I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Hun

You need to consult your Dr. as to WHY this happened – no one here's going to know

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