What would cause this pain and these symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on March 11, 2011

I went to the dr. today and he had no idea what was wrong with me. I will be looking for another doc, but in the meantime what do you think it could be?

I have pain in my ribs and diaphragm area as well as my left side hurts a little. my ribs feel stiff and sore like I had been in a car accident… even though I haven't. I was running a low grade fever and feeling nauseated and fatigued. What could this be?

Well it could be anxiety but that wouldn't cause a fever. if you are having trouble breathing esp if it came on suddenly Id go back to the doctor, another one!! ASAP I had some similar symptoms and they thought it could have been a blood clot in my lungs. Thank goodness it wasn't. But I would request they do at very least an X RAY to make sure it wasn't broncitious or phenomena. Another thing that would cause pain (but again no fever) is Pleurisy. Its like tiny air pockets and is usually not harmful.

this may sound odd, but do you kind of have a big booty?

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