I have been on ciprofloxacin (cipro) for 5 days and am still having symptoms of a bladder infection.?

by Symptom Advice on March 17, 2011

How long does it take to work? I still fell like I need to urinate frequently and have the burning sensation. I have been getting bladder infections every month for about a year and have a running perscription for cipro. It does not usually take this long.

Did your doctor do a urine culture? Cipro is a very good drug, but occasionally bladder infections are caused by uncommon, or resistant bacteria. By doing a culture, they grow out the bacteria in the lab, and do sensitivities with the most common antibiotics to make sure they work. if they didn't do a "UC", you may have to go back and give another sample.

Other possibilities include urethritis from inflammation such as powders, lotions, soaps, etc. Also, it's possible you may have and STD such as ureaplasma, chlamydia, etc. that will not respond to Cipro.

Bring up these topics when you recheck with your doctor.

Call the doctor who prescribed it and ask when the symptoms should be starting to clear. they may tell you to give it more time, or they may suggest a different medication.

Maybe the doc needs to give you a different medication, some can stop working if you take them frequently, the infection can become resistant to the meds.

Bactrim(Sulfamethoxizole) may work better ask your Doc.Could have misspelled and you can pronounce it.Go to a different Doctor their could be some thing else wrong.best wishes for expected recovery.

mine cleared up quick w/ the 4 pills they gave me may need more

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