Neti Pots & Your Asthma

by Symptom Advice on March 17, 2011

I have become intrigued by a neti-pot and was surprised that many of you used them for sinus allergies and symptoms. a study presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology found that neti-pot use may actually increase your risk of infection.

Stopping neti-pot use was associated with a 62% decrease in sinus infections. the authors pointed out that neti-pots do provide relief of bothersome sinus symptoms, but that chronic use may wash away some of your bodies natural defenses and increase your risk of infection.

Neti pots have been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show and many people all over the internet are singing their praises. I get asked about them fairly commonly in clinic. Basically a neti pot is a form of nasal irrigation that is supposed to greatly improve sinus allergy symptoms. You take a small tea pot looking device filled with salt water and insert it into one of your nostrils. the salt water goes through your sinuses and out the other nostril. You can see a video of someone demonstrating the neti pot.

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