I'm a teenager and have most of the symptoms of dementia?

by Symptom Advice on December 10, 2010

It started off small, there were like blanks in my memory and I couldn't remember if I had done something a day or a week ago, and then it got to a month or a year ago and so forth. Then I started forgetting what things were called, like a spoon or a certain word. not like normal people do, either, it would happen multiple times a day. The other day I pretty much hallucinated and thought I was dying, and then I couldn't recognize certain people like my mother, and started getting really paranoid.

It's really freaking me out. I'm only fifteen years old, and these almost seems like the symptoms of dementia, but that is impossible, isn't it? if it's not dementia, what could it be?

Tell your Mom or a school counselor. It could be a tumor or little stroke or a blockage of some kind. It cold be body chemistry, hormones, out of whack. I really think you need to be checked over by a doctor in case it is a serious thing before it gets any worse. I don't think dementia is anywhere near the top of the list of what it could be.

if its not something medically wrong with you like a bad food or health problem then its demons.

Hurting people hurt others. It's not you. They are the ones who have a problem. They are sick and being mean makes them feel better. People/kids/parents do mean things or lie to manipulate. They just want the reaction so they can get high feel good from it. The words are not true. I know parents can say things that are true partially, but is it right to bring up the past over and over? You have to look at the agenda and not just the words alone to see the abuse sometimes. Abuse is anything that's not uplifting so forget what truth is being used right then.

When you have a bad past/rejection/father gone it makes things start. Anorexia Bi polar, Cutting, OCD, anxiety, panic attacks, hearing voices can all come from a tramautic past. It opens doors to the negative and they start to dwell closeby, like addicitons cravings. You can talk to me or google "emotional abuse" Knowing the truth is the step to freedom from pain.

Aspartame in diet cokes ect is being linked to depression, bipolar and more it could be what you eat along with abuse or neglect.

Sickness can be a spiritual problem so praying to get rid of negative things of a spiritual nature is often needed after years of abuse. Demons in your house can make you cry for no reason even if theres no abuse.

1. Read online about verbal abuse. Read 20+ sites. BULLYING 20 sites
2. Realize its their problem.
3. Google- Diet Depression Soda stops depression from food.
4. Google "Sinners prayer"- stops sadness.
5. Google "Deliverance Prayers"

Click my name to talk. – see profile.anyone can copy this info above.

Source– Experience in a ministry

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