Symptoms of Lupus Disease

by Symptom Advice on December 10, 2010

Lupus is an ailment that upsets the nervous system. it is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system of the person involves the healthy cells and tissues of its own organic this condition, there is production of antibodies against the healthy cells of the person which in turn, hurts the tissues going to destruction and inflammation. the antibodies are primarily antinuclear antibodies. there is no causal elements that have been identified for the lupus disease.there has been determinations that indicate that lupus runs in the family. that means it has some hereditary causes. Again it has been found that women are more susceptible to get lupus than men.So this points that hormones can be a cause for it.Racial factor is also considered in this, like African Americans have more chances of getting it than others.Lupus disease has been widespread in the people belonging to ages 15-44 very often.

The lupus is of multiple kinds casing harm to different parts of the organic structure.the most common type is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.this harms the joints, skin, blood vessels etc.the symptoms of this disease typically include the joints to get inflamed with pain, exhaustion, high fever and butterfly like rash that appears on the nose called malar rash.Another type of lupus is Drug induced lupus which is caused due to over dose of some drugs like procainamide, quinidine and hydralazine.these drugs are usually stipulated when one has hypertension, heart disease, thyroid problems etc.once these drugs are discontinued, the symptoms disappear. Discoid Lupus is another type of this this there is appearance of rash near regions like ears, face, scalp etc.these scars leave a blemish.Another type is Neonatal Lupus which affect the is a temporary type of disease and last for few months in newborn.there is transmission of this disease from the mother to the baby in the womb. Diagnosis of lupus is little delicate as symptoms may vary in various cases.there are certain exam criteria developed by the Rheumatology College in United States that are used in proper diagnosis of the diseased can be recognized with the help of some of the scientific and proven tests as well.these are shape of the rash, presence of mouth sores, antinuclear test, blood count etc are some tests which are conducted to diagnosis lupus.

Treatment for lupus disease usually varies from individual to person.the indication variant in each case gets treated diffrently.the persons having symptoms of fever associated with joint and chest pain are prescribed NSAIDS most cases where a patient has skin eruptions,lung and joint tenderness then they are medicated with antimalarial drugs as well.At times even the immunosuppressive drugs are given.While in others, DMARDS like methotrexate are also prescribed. other things involves the patient to be at rest and minimizing stress leves so as to keep lupus under is best if the patient observes yoga and meditation as well.with this there is improvement of the resistance power in the body along with speeding up the recovery process.

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