Is feeling nausated constantly and unable to eat much a common symptom of Uterine Cancer.?

by Symptom Advice on January 12, 2011

A common symptom for many cancers. It's still important for a doctor to check it out because the cause could still be coming from the stomach.

Those symptoms could be a number of cancers. if you even think you have a cancer, Fatique, weight loss, nausea, get ti checked right away don't wait. Good luck.
Could stomach cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, so many different things, get checked don't wait. Good luckj.

Yes they are common symptoms of all kinds of cancer, as a cancer is a foreign growth in your body & your body's defenses are mobilized to fight it, so this will cause you some side effects. Sorry you have to be going through this–can I refer you to a website that might have some up-to-date cancer research information on it, if you are interested, the website is:oh crap I can't remember, but it is the website for NIH research lab, so you ought to be able to find it pretty easily.. . let me think, oh Jeez I know I'm going to think of it about ten minutes after I close this, which is why I'm lingering. . .I'm sorry but I just don't remember it, it's been so long since I've been to it, sorry!! But do try to find NIH on-line, as they are the best research foundation in the country, and have more data on diseases & symptoms than anywhere else I've ever seen. & good luck to you!!

That could be so many things. even pregnancy. these symptoms cover many flues cold, minor infections, But not uterine cancer. See a Dr if these don't stop. You don't want to become dehydrated or malnutritioned. OK. Good luck, Feel better

No that is not a common symptom. The most common by far is abnormal vaginal bleeding.

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