Is it possible that I have Lupus?

by Symptom Advice on December 24, 2010

I have many symptoms that come and go: muscle pain, joint pain, constant stomach aches, extreme fatigue, unusual hair loss, anemia, depression, headaches, dizzy spells, confusion, bad memory, random vision problems, mood swings, random skin irritation, and pale fingers. I have been having on and off symptoms since I was about 16. I’ve seen many doctors, but haven’t listed all of these symptoms all at once so they never suggested it. Could it be Lupus? or possibly another disease? I’m really nervous as I have heard Lupus is life-threatening. I had to be signed out of school as a senior because of these random symptoms that no one could figure out. they would come and go so I’d just go to the doctor with joint pains, go again with depression, and go again with being tired and what not. Would a normal urine test show if I have Lupus? or do they have to specifically test for Lupus, as they did not? I’m going to the doctor, but I wanna know if its possible if I have it or not. ThanksAlso I have irritability, anxiety, nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, difficulty concentrating, theres not many foods I can eat as I feel sick after, I get drunk really easily, diarrhea very often, breathlessness, my legs and feet will randomly fall asleep even if I’m not cutting off circulation, weakness, extreme weight loss due to lack of appetite (lost 40 pounds since may and I’m 18), constant flem/lump in throat feeling, I’ll sometimes feel like I’m on a drug or drunk or have a hangover when I don’t drink or do drugs, I throw up at least once a week, I’ll get really lightheaded and dizzy, I’m really thirsty a lot, heartburn, I’ll feel really antisocial sometimes even though I’m not shy at all, my skin gets dry really easily, I’m told I’m pale, common hot flashes, I feel full after only a few bites of food, constantly sore.. I’ve felt like something serious is wrong with me for a long time. The doctors must not be looking hard enough. There HAS to be something wrong.Also, I have very irregular periods. I’ve only had two this year so far. Seriously, if someone has any idea what it could be.. please tell me. I can’t stand this huge list of symptoms and constant problems anymore.

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