Symptoms and Treatment for Menopause

by Symptom Advice on December 24, 2010

Menopause, the time when a woman stops having menstrual periods, is not a disease or an illness. it is a transition between two phases of a woman’s life. many women experience a variety of symptoms as a result of the hormonal changes associated with the transition through menopause. Around the time of menopause, women often lose bone density and their blood cholesterol levels may worsen, increasing their risk of heart disease.

Premature menopause: The average age of US women at the time of menopause is 51 years. The most common age range at which women experience menopause is 48-55 years. If menopause occurs in a woman younger than 40 years, it is considered to be premature. Menopause is considered late if it occurs in a woman older than 55 years. for most women, menopause is a normal occurrence.

Menopause Symptoms

Hot flashes: Hot flashes are the most common symptom of menopause. According to some studies, hot flashes occur in as many as 75% of perimenopausal women. Hot flash symptoms vary among women. Commonly, the hot flash is a feeling of warmth that spreads over the body, lasting from around 30 seconds to a few minutes. Flushed (reddened) skin, palpitations (feeling a strong heartbeat), and sweating often accompany hot flashes. Hot flashes often increase skin temperature and pulse, and they can cause insomnia, or sleeplessness. Hot flashes usually last 2-3 years, but many women can experience them for up to 5 years. an even smaller percentage may have them for more than 15 years.

Urinary incontinence and burning on urination

Vaginal changes: because estrogen affects the vaginal lining, perimenopausal women may also have pain during intercourse and may note a change in vaginal discharge.

Breast changes: Menopause may cause changes in the shape of the breasts.

Bone loss: Rapid bone loss is common during the perimenopausal years. most women reach their peak bone density when aged 25-30 years. after that, bone loss averages 0.13% per year. During perimenopause, bone loss accelerates to about a 3% loss per year. Later, it drops off to about a 2% loss per year. No pain is usually associated with bone loss. however, bone loss can cause osteoporosis, a condition that increases the risk of bone fractures. These fractures can be intensely painful and can interfere with daily life. They also can increase the risk of death.

Cholesterol: Cholesterol profiles also change significantly at the time of menopause. Total cholesterol and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels increase. Increased LDL cholesterol is associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

Heart disease risk increases after menopause, although it is unclear exactly how much is due to aging and how much is caused by the hormonal changes that occur at the time of menopause. Women who undergo premature menopause or have their ovaries removed surgically at an early age are at an increased risk of heart disease.

Weight gain: a three year study of healthy women nearing menopause found an average gain of five pounds during the three years. Hormonal changes and aging are both possible factors in this weight gain.

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Menopause Treatment

Menopause is not a disease that has a definitive cure or treatment. Health care practitioners, however, can offer a variety of treatments for hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms that become bothersome. many prescription medications exist to prevent and control high cholesterol and bone loss, which can occur at menopause. Some women do not need therapy, or they may choose not to take medications at all during their menopausal years.

Menopause Supplements

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