Lung Cancer Symptoms and Treatment

by Symptom Advice on December 19, 2010

Start­ing lung can­cers are divided into two dis­tinct types. Non-small cell lung can­cer and small cell lung can­cer. this dis­tinc­tion between can­cer cells in micro­scope images is done. both types of can­cer are treated in dif­fer­ent ways and to develop and spread.

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Small-cell lung can­cer is more com­mon and gen­er­ally devel­ops more slowly and spread. There are 3 main types of this can­cer: this is the dif­fer­ence among the types of treat­ment and sur­vival.Small Cell Lung Cancer

Also called oat cell can­cer of this can­cer, and some­times oats. Accord­ing to non-small cell lung can­cer is less com­mon. this tipdeki can­cers develop more quickly and spread to other parts of the body is greater.

Can­cers begin in the lungs are divided into two types. Accord­ing to the cells under a micro­scope image of non-small cell lung can­cer and small cell lung can­cer. Each dif­fer­ent type of lung can­cer grows, devel­ops and is treated.

Lung Can­cer Risk Elements

Con­nect to a sin­gle cause of lung can­cer devel­op­ment. Stud­ies have found to cause a lot of lung can­cer as a result of var­i­ous fac­tors play a role in the devel­op­ment of lung can­cer. . most of them are related to the use of tobacco, can­cer is not con­ta­gious. Some peo­ple at risk of lung can­cer is higher than oth­ers. The fol­low­ing cases are increas­ing the risk of cancer.

Cig­a­rette smok­ing causes lung can­cer. Tütün­deki harm­ful sub­stances (car­cino­gens) dam­age to cells in the lungs. over time, these can­cer cells can cause harm­ful effects. one of lung can­cer in smok­ers, the age at which smok­ing began, how much has been smoked, the num­ber of cig­a­rettes smoked per day, smok­ing is about how deep into the çekti?iyle. Quit smok­ing can greatly reduce a person’s risk of devel­op­ing lung cancer.

Cigar and pipe, cigar and pipe users who do not use them, rather than have the risk of devel­op­ing lung can­cer. how many years a per­son smoked cigar or pipe per day, how many and how deep into the drink taken, the fac­tors affect­ing the risk of can­cer. Shrink­age in the inte­rior of the cigar and pipe smok­ers are at increased risk for lung and other types of oral can­cer.Pas­sive smok­ers (tobacco smoke maruzkalan­lar) in the case of pas­sive smok­ing increases the risk of lung can­cer.Asbestos, used in cer­tain indus­tries and some nat­ural fibers in a min­eral in the group. Asbestos fibers and par­ti­cles tend to leave the clothes stick around in the air. When inhaled, these par­ti­cles set­tle in the lungs and there is the risk of devel­op­ing lung can­cer cells and thus increase the dam­age u?rat?r­lar. Stud­ies have exposed to the risk of devel­op­ing lung can­cer in work­ers exposed to asbestos kalmayan­lara showed that up to 3–4 times more. this increase in ship­build­ing, asbestos min­ing, insu­la­tion work and brake repair work­ers in indus­tries such as shown.The risk of lung can­cer in asbestos work­ers is higher than non-içiyorlarsa. Asbestos work­ers to use pro­tec­tive equip­ment pro­vided by employ­ers and have to fol­low the rec­om­mended pro­ce­dures for busi­ness and security.

Air Pol­lu­tion, a rela­tion­ship between expo­sure to air pol­lu­tion with lung can­cer were found. but this rela­tion­ship could not be clearly defined and more research needs to be done.Lung Dis­eases, increase the risk of can­cer by lung dis­eases such as TB. Lung can­cer has a ten­dency to fur­ther improve­ment in areas affected by tuberculosis.

The patient’s story is once again a sec­ond lung can­cer in peo­ple at risk of lung can­cer, no can­cer was not greater than the per­son. after receiv­ing the diag­no­sis of lung can­cer, quit smok­ing, can pre­vent the devel­op­ment of a sec­ond lung can­cer.Risky occu­pa­tions, min­ers, tex­tile, insu­la­tion and ship­yard work­ers, petro-chemical, chim­ney clean­ers, plas­tic indus­try work­ers, work­ers in min­ing and resources, bleach man­u­fac­tur­ers, glass, ceramic, linoleum, and bat­tery work­ers, paint, foundries, steel workers

The best way of pre­ven­tion of lung can­cer, quit smok­ing or never start by trac­tor.Aware­ness SIGNS

Signs and symp­toms of lung cancer:

1 — end­less, and a cough to get worse over time2 — Per­sis­tent chest pain

3 — Blood spit4 — Short­ness of breath

5 — to wheez­ing breathing.

6 — I often have pneu­mo­nia or bron­chi­tis and not exceed

7 — Neck and facial swelling

8 — Loss of appetite and weight loss

These find­ings kaynaklanabilir.Bulgular?n of lung can­cer, or less seri­ous con­di­tions should be eval­u­ated by a doctor.


For help find­ing the causes of the symp­toms his doctor’s dis­eases, tobacco use (cig­a­rettes, pipes, cig­ars, etc..) Sta­tus, expo­sure to envi­ron­men­tal or occu­pa­tional sub­stances, and other fam­ily mem­bers as queries whether it is can­cer. Chest X-rays and may require some tests. If the sus­pects of lung can­cer in spu­tum exam­i­na­tion (spu­tum cytol­ogy, lung mucosa micro­scope exam­i­na­tion of mate­r­ial from a deep cough) ister.Bu exam­ine a sim­ple and use­ful test to detect lung can­cer. Lung can­cer tis­sue, to make sure that the doc­tor may need to review.A small piece of tis­sue taken by biopsy under a micro­scope by the pathol­o­gist, a doctor’s exam­i­na­tion indi­cates whether or not the cancer.

There are many ways to get to this tissue.

1) Bron­choscopy: a slim, lighted tube (bron­cho­scope) is inserted into the mouth to see the air­ways, air routes are exam­ined and a small piece of tis­sue is taken from here.

2) Nee­dle aspi­ra­tion biopsy: a nee­dle inserted into the tumor is a small piece of tis­sue taken chesty process.

3) Tho­ra­cen­te­sis: a lit­tle fluid around the lungs using a nee­dle to inves­ti­gate whether this exam­ple.4) Tho­ra­co­tomy: Can­cer to get to know in order to get a piece of tumor sur­gi­cally open­ing the chest.

Can­cer patients as a result of the inves­ti­ga­tions which stage of the dis­ease is detected, the doc­tor will want to learn. If the can­cer has spread to the spread of this stag­ing is done to find the body which has spread to regions.

Lung can­cer often spreads to the brain and bones. Know­ing the stage of the dis­ease helps the doc­tor plan treat­ment. here are some of the tests used to find the can­cer has spread:

Com­put­er­ized tomog­ra­phyMag­netic Res­o­nance StudyBone scintig­ra­phy; can­cer has spread to the bone shows. less is a radioac­tive sub­stance into the blood­stream, and abnor­mal bone devel­op­ment in these areas in the space that toplan?r.Taray?c? tool called X-ray film, radio active level and saves it.

Medi­astinoscopy / medi­astino­tomy: Medi­astinoscopy breast can­cer has spread to lymph nodes shows.


Treat­ment depends on many fac­tors. These type of lung can­cer, dis­ease stage and patient’s gen­eral health sta­tus. many dif­fer­ent treat­ments and treat­ment com­bi­na­tions used in treat­ment.Vis­i­ble after the oper­a­tion, left to be deter­mined level of the patients in addi­tion to can­cer treat­ment is called adju­vant ther­apy. Adju­vant ther­apy after surgery is likely to be invis­i­ble, but left behind a small num­ber given with the aim to kill can­cer cells. The deci­sion whether or not to adju­vant treat­ment, fea­tures, pathol­ogy report, the patient’s age and gen­eral con­di­tion is deter­mined by. Patients in the treat­ment of post­op­er­a­tive adju­vant chemother­apy or radio­ther­apy, or both chemother­apy and radio­ther­apy can only. Some­times, it may not require adju­vant ther­apy after surgery in patients with very early stage.Surgery to remove can­cer of the oper­a­tion. Loca­tion of lung can­cer depends on the type of sur­gi­cal inter­ven­tion. The oper­a­tion to take a small track in the lungs ‘wedge’ or ‘seg­men­tal’ is called resection.

If surgery is taken as a whole lobe (lobec­tomy), right or left lung is received one (pneu­monec­tomy) is called. Some tumors loca­tion, size, and the patient’s gen­eral health sta­tus can not be oper­ated due.

The killing of can­cer cells to chemother­apy drugs. Usu­ally con­sists of more than one drug. The spe­cial train­ing of nurses give chemother­apy alone in this regard. The num­ber is expressed as grant­ing of chemother­apy cycles (cycles 1, 2 cycles) and often repeated the same drugs given to a 21 or 28 days. Intra­venous chemother­apy, often given as a pill or oral liq­uid form of out­pa­tient treat­ment cen­ters. Some­times the patient’s gen­eral state of dis­or­der, drugs, or drugs given to patients accord­ing to the forms of admin­is­tra­tion may be required hos­pi­tal treat­ment. Patients after each cycle are con­trolled med­ical oncol­ogy out­pa­tient clinic. These con­trols will be exam­ined patients, the com­plaints heard, and ques­tioned the side effects of drugs to other organs in the body, some blood tests to inves­ti­gate whether a loss is requested. done before each cycle blood counts and chemother­apy in this cen­sus that com­pe­tent nurses are needed. Whether or not a patient after chemother­apy, surgery, pathol­ogy report, if you take a tumor-related char­ac­ter­is­tics will deter­mine how many cycles. How­ever, this deci­sion mak­ings of the patient’s age, gen­eral con­di­tion also plays an impor­tant role.More than 12 hours a day until the time of under­go­ing inpa­tient chemother­apy given to patients with poor gen­eral con­di­tion, yecek­lerinden not be able to tol­er­ate the side effects are not eli­gi­ble. Patients sched­uled for chemother­apy, surgery within 3 weeks of chemother­apy after surgery start olmu?larsa is preferred.

Patients receiv­ing chemother­apy until about a week after each chemother­apy checked by a doc­tor must pass med­ical oncol­ogy out­pa­tient clinic. this is exam­ined in con­trol patients, lis­tened to com­plaints, the side effects of chemother­apy is eval­u­ated and if nec­es­sary re-adjustment of the drug dose.Radi­a­tion ther­apy: also called radio­ther­apy. The use of high-energy rays to kill can­cer cells. Lim­ited applied to each area and this area in order to reduce the can­cer cells etkiler.Radyoterapi a tumor before surgery or to destroy can­cer cells can be applied after an inter­ven­tion. Radio­ther­apy com­bined with chemother­apy, doc­tors often use as an alter­na­tive to sur­gi­cal treat­ment, against the first. Symp­toms such as short­ness of breath can also be used for the removal.

Photo dynamic ther­apy and to give this a spe­cial chem­i­cal sub­stance into the blood­stream by cells is taken. this chem­i­cal rapidly leaves the nor­mal cells. but in can­cer cells remain in a longer period of time. later, these cells pass the laser light is pro­vided by apply­ing the acti­vat­ing sub­stance and the cells are killed.

Non-small cell lung can­cer treatment:

Non-small cell lung can­cer patients can be treated in a very dif­fer­ent way. The preva­lence of the dis­ease is related to the selec­tion of treat­ment. The most com­mon treat­ment is a form of sur­gi­cal inter­ven­tion. Radio­ther­apy and chemother­apy in slow­ing the dis­ease dura­tion and can be used to con­trol symp­toms.Small-cell lung can­cer treatment:

Small-cell lung can­cer spreads quickly. in many cases, the dis­ease spread to other parts of the body when diag­nosed. Doc­tors to reach can­cer cells spread to the body almost always use chemother­apy. Treat­ment, includ­ing chemother­apy, tumors in the lungs or other parts of the body to tar­get tumors in patients uygulanabilirler.Baz? radio­ther­apy for brain can­cer, but not applic­a­ble there. this treat­ment is called pre­ven­tive brain irra­di­a­tion. this is to pre­vent the for­ma­tion of the brain tumor. Sur­gi­cal treat­ment of small cell lung can­cer are very low.

Side effects of can­cer treat­ment depends on the type of treat­ment may be dif­fer­ent for each patient. Explain the pos­si­ble side effects of treat­ment, doc­tors and nurses to patients. Before and after treat­ment sug­gest ways to avoid the side effects.

Sur­gi­cal treat­ment for lung can­cer based. after lung surgery, air and fluid accu­mu­la­tion in the chest usu­ally return­ing e?ilimindedir.Hastalar, and deep breath­ing help öksürmekte require. These move­ments are impor­tant for treat­ment. Because the expan­sion will help the remain­ing lung tis­sue and pre­vent fur­ther accu­mu­la­tion of fluid are air. Chest pain, short­ness of breath com­mon side effects of lung surgery. Patients were to return to the old energy and forces may need weeks to months.

Side effects of chemother­apy depend on the drug. as a gen­eral rule of chemother­apy affects rapidly pro­lif­er­at­ing cells. Dur­ing the clot­ting of bleed­ing, pro­vid­ing defenses against the dis­ease makes blood cells carry oxy­gen to organs and body that fast grow­ing cells. this is approx­i­mately 1 week to 10 days after receiv­ing chemother­apy, blood cells decline in num­ber and, there­fore, soon may be bruis­ing or bleed­ing after minor oper­a­tions such as tooth brush­ing. Nor­mally, they enter the body defense sys­tem is strong to defend the cells after chemother­apy reduced the dis­ease germs that does not eas­ily cause febrile ill­ness yakalan­mam?za eat raw veg­eta­bles and fruits washed olabilirler.Bu period (such as salad) that at least 10 days or so eat­ing the for­bid­den fruit and kaç?nmal?s?n?z.Unutmay?n?z because of its effect on the con­di­tion of any veg­eta­bles, but also eat some veg­eta­bles or fruit y?kasan?z on how much clean up to avoid germs is likely to be. make sure your food is cooked in this time period. If the above 38.50C please con­tact your doc­tor if the fever last an hour. found to have a fever and low blood counts, blood cells must receive antibi­otic treat­ment. this decrease in the num­ber of blood cells spon­ta­neously within a week to 10 days go by and the num­ber of cells reaches the normal.

Another group of fast grow­ing cells and hair root cells of the diges­tive tract cells. There­fore, after the first week after chemother­apy is usu­ally poured into the hair. Patients with poor appetite, nau­sea, vom­it­ing, diar­rhea and mouth sores may develop, almost all of these side effects can be con­trolled with med­ica­tion. These side effects are short in dura­tion, patients’ com­plaints would be passed before the next chemother­apyMen­tioned that the sever­ity of chemother­apy side effects vary from patient to patient. Today, the mod­ern chemother­a­pies long-lasting side effects are rare to come across. How­ever, some chemother­apy drugs can have adverse effects on the heart, the doc­tor who used drugs such as peri­odic inspec­tions to see whether your heart is affected. Doses of chemother­apy drugs in use today and will make a neg­a­tive impact on the size of heart is not the num­ber of cycles of chemother­apy. Some chemother­apy drugs are at risk of receiv­ing the devel­op­ment of leukemia many years later that the blood can­ addi­tion, ovaries of some can­cer drugs kill cells by affect­ing the egg, so that the ovaries can not pro­duce the female hor­mone estro­gen, and patients enter menopause. Preg­nant women and in this case, Cus­toms may stop or can not remain sparse. Per­ma­nent infer­til­ity caused by chemother­apy, espe­cially over the age of 35–40. Younger patients can return to nor­mal after a period of chemother­apy dur­ing the cut customs.

Explain the pos­si­ble side effects of chemother­apy treat­ment after health per­son­nel and rec­om­mend ways to elim­i­nate the complaints.

Chemother­apy drugs often are given intra­venously and it was pro­vided in time harm the vein, artery hard­en­ing, and may be caus­ing this to be per­cep­ti­ble from the out­side. Receiv­ing chemother­apy or tak­ing med­ica­tion that you receive the next day must inform your doc­tor imme­di­ately if burn­ing, swelling and red­ness in the arm.Receiv­ing chemother­apy should con­sult your doc­tor for any rea­son you need to use painkillers. Because the body’s blood cells of some pain reliev­ers can cause a decrease in num­ber or i?levce. in addi­tion, heart, lung and kid­ney dis­ease, which is cru­cial for the use and dura­tion of chemother­apy med­ica­tions may con­tinue. Vis­its to your doc­tor show­ing that you have to use these drugs would be appro­pri­ate to ask whether there is a draw­back.such as chemother­apy and radio­ther­apy for can­cer and nor­mal cells in their patients etkiler.Radyoterapi should rest as much as pos­si­ble.Treated skin in the region become a lit­tle red, dry, sen­si­tive and itchy olabilir.Tedavinin towards the end of the same region and the flow becomes more wet. this gives the skin a reac­tion against radi­a­tion. this area should be in con­tact with air as much as pos­si­ble, tight under­wear and clothes should be avoided dur­ing this period. Radi­a­tion ther­apy in the period of time, this area should be kept in con­tact with water. PhD for this region with­out ask­ing for any tem­po­rary effects on skin lotion or cream kullan?lmamal?d?r.I??n treat­ment. How­ever, the degree of this effect varies from patient to patient. Some­times the region have received radi­a­tion ther­apy to nor­mal skin color is darker than the Shut­tle.Metasta­tic dis­ease, espe­cially brain metas­tases, brain irra­di­a­tion done on this process takes up to 1 week or 10 days, depend­ing on the treat­ment of radi­a­tion side effects such as nau­sea and vom­it­ing geli?ebilir.Bu rady­oter­apist for sit­u­a­tions to be taken before treat­ment and drugs, while con­tin­u­ing to treat the patient tells

Patients receiv­ing radio­ther­apy to the brain headaches, skin changes, fatigue, nau­sea, vom­it­ing, hair loss, mem­ory and think­ing prob­lems kar??la?alabilirler.Bir very adverse effect on the dura­tion of time passes.

Other com­mon side effects of radio­ther­apy in the throat dry­ness, pain, dif­fi­culty swal­low­ing, fatigue, loss of appetite and tis­sue changes in the site of treatment.

Can­cer can cause a decrease in appetite. Unpleas­ant­ness in the mouth occurs in some patients. most of the side effects of treat­ments, nau­sea, vom­it­ing and mouth sores make it dif­fi­cult for the patient to eat. but nutri­tion is very impor­tant. Meals nec­es­sar­ily must include ade­quate calo­ries and pro­tein. Thus, weight loss and tis­sue to repair itself can be achieved again. Patients receiv­ing treat­ment, reg­u­lar and ade­quate beslenir­lerse them­selves feel bet­ter and more ener­getic and less side effects appear.

What is given the chance to improve with treat­ment?Some­times patients want to improve their chances to be expressed in fig­ures. in fact, major stud­ies in which stage the patient can live an aver­age of how much time is avail­able in the numer­i­cal val­ues of per­cent. How­ever, it should be noted that the val­ues of thou­sands of patients a sta­tis­ti­cal aver­age of the val­ues, that is used to pre­dict what will hap­pen to any can­cer patient is not exactly true. what the future will be dif­fer­ent in the two patients with can­cer, the tumor and the patient’s own unknown today, yet many fac­tors are effec­tive in show­ing the course of the same two peo­ple caught the dis­ease. For this rea­son, you k?yasla­may?n?z other patients


Lung can­cer patient follow-up after treat­ment is also very impor­tant. Reg­u­lar checks reveal changes in health sta­tus. Thus, if the can­cer returns or a new can­cer occurs, it can be treated as soon as pos­si­ble. These con­trols exam­i­na­tion, chest x-ray, and includes a vari­ety of lab­o­ra­tory tests. Con­trols any health prob­lems arise between a doc­tor must be noti­fied imme­di­ately.after the treat­ment, there is pro­posed a spe­cial diet, bal­anced diet, avoid­ing excess fat foods, exer­cise reg­u­larly every healthy man under nor­mal con­di­tions should obey the rules that apply to you.Weight loss, loss of appetite, extreme fatigue, nau­sea and vom­it­ing, dizzi­ness, abdom­i­nal pain and full­ness, bone pain, cough last­ing more than two weeks, the nor­mal peri­odic check time headaches when nec­es­sary, with­out wait­ing to reach your doctor.

Con­tinue as before dur­ing and after the treat­ment which your sex­ual life is the safe bet. The muta­genic chemother­apy on ovar­ian cells (baby be seri­ous abnor­mal­i­ties) due to the effects of birth con­trol meth­ods to pre­vent preg­nancy dur­ing treat­ment is one of le to be pre­ferred. most chemother­apy drugs are given to work infects the ovaries from patient to patient, but the degree of this influ­ence the future of arti­fi­cial insem­i­na­tion or in vitro fer­til­iza­tion de?i?ir.Genç male patients before chemother­apy for the stor­age of sperms isteyebilirler.Baz? chemother­a­peu­tic drugs senses affects periph­eral nerves and main­tain an erec­tion and impede the abil­ity to pro­vide or erection.

Phys­i­cal and psy­cho­log­i­cal prob­lems expe­ri­enced with the treat­ment plan after the diag­no­sis, the dis­ease or treatment-related fatigue, weak­ness, sen­sa­tion, sex­ual life, wishes and feel­ings such as excite­ment can affect hear­ing. this kind of prob­lems related to sex­ual life, you live in this period and after the treat­ment will last over time as other issues.Sex­ual con­cerns of life that you would like to help in this regard and received chemother­apy treat­ment unit doc­tors and nurses do not hes­i­tate to say that.


It is not easy to live with a seri­ous ill­ness. Can­cer patients make it dif­fi­cult for the med­ical and phys­i­cal changes in their lives aside to deal with a lot of con­cern, has feel­ings and thoughts. Can­cer patients can con­tinue their jobs, fam­i­lies con­cerned about the future and to do daily activ­i­ties. The tests, treat­ments, need for hos­pi­tal­iza­tion, treat­ment costs worry about them. in this emo­tional needs help to deal with the sit­u­a­tion. in fact, a part of the treat­ment of a patient to pay atten­tion to this emo­tional state. Health staff sup­port, sup­port groups, patient to patient rela­tions per­son pre­vents him feel less alone and less stress­ful to be. Improves the qual­ity of their lives. Can­cer sup­port groups for can­cer patients to talk to and share their expe­ri­ences pro­vides a safe envi­ron­ment. to find such a group of patients con­sult med­ical personnel.

Doc­tors, nurses and other health pro­fes­sion­als in their treat­ment, they help to ques­tions about work and other activ­i­ties. in addi­tion, asso­ci­a­tions, con­sul­tants, and mem­bers of reli­gious com­mu­ni­ties in rela­tion to patients’ per­sonal prob­lems, and future approaches to reliev­ing their con­cerns can be found.Friends and rel­a­tives may sup­port the patients. The patient, her dertle?e­cek meet other can­cer patients. Can­cer patients knew about can­cer sup­port groups, and cre­ate and share with them the effects of treat­ment. this is a dif­fer­ent issue to keep in mind is that each patient. both are can­cer patients, although the same is true for a patient approach to treat­ment and may be wrong for another. always the right doc­tor, after con­sul­ta­tion with the imple­men­ta­tion of the rec­om­men­da­tion of friends and other fam­ily members.

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