What are the symptoms of a tetanus shot?

by Symptom Advice on December 19, 2010

I got one 2 days ago and I feel horrible. could this be why?

Your arms will be very sore

Yeah probably. I got my first one when I was 15. My arms were so sore, it sucked.

Maybe Swelling around the upper arm where the shot is taken. Usually there isnt any symptoms. You may feel horrible just because your body is not use to the shot. You should go back to normal within days. If not contact doctor.

I know a lady who had a reaction to the shot. She had fevers and pretty much just hurt everywhere, very sore all over. the doctors won't give her any more because of that. It just went away on it's own after a few days.

The tetanus vaccine (like all vaccines) actually infects you with a small amount of the disease, so your body can produce antibodies to combat it. This is probably why you feel horrible, because you technically have tetanus.

Mild problems
If these problems occur, they usually start within
hours to a day or two after vaccination. They
may last 1-2 days:
l soreness, redness, or swelling where the shot
was given
These problems can be worse in adults who get
Td vaccine very often.
Acetaminophen or ibuprofen (non-aspirin) may
be used to reduce soreness.
Severe problems
These problems happen very rarely:
l serious allergic reaction
l deep, aching pain and muscle wasting in
upper arm(s), This starts 2 days to 4 weeks after
the shot, and may last many months.

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