Pancreatitis? what are the symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on June 2, 2011

I was diagnosed with it. but along side it im having severe back and neck pain with some stiff jaw. very bad adbominal pain is what sent me to the ER.. is all this normal? oh and my appetite has been cut in half. im full after half a sandwhich! normally, i can eat more than my Boyfriend…..

Severe upper abdominal pain, with radiation through to the back, is the hallmark of pancreatitis. Nausea and vomiting are prominent symptoms. Findings on the physical exam will vary according to the severity of the pancreatitis, and whether or not it is associated with significant internal bleeding. the blood pressure may be high or low , both the heart and respiratory rates are elevated. Abdominal tenderness is usually found but may be less severe than expected given the patient's degree of abdominal pain. Bowel sounds may be reduced as a reflection of the reflex bowel paralysis that may accompany any abdominal catastrophe.
Or gallstones could be the culprit; alternative health practioners say
The liver could always use a cleaning/flushing

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