Pregnancy symptoms include often near fainting, exhaustion leading to weakness and short of breath?

by Symptom Advice on December 23, 2010

I am 15 weeks and my doctor says this is not normal… and yet nothing is wrong. I am off of work due to my symptoms. Anyone else experience this?

I even have others carry the garbage up the stairs to the garage and carry in the groceries.. I pay my 7 year old to help out alot.

its normal…i fainted when i was 3 months pregnant.

Yes, I had the same problem when I was pregnant with my 2nd child (use to faint all the time). Found out I had a thyroid problem, and after being treated, I was ok.
You will also be checked for gestational diabetes,
If your Doc says it's not normal, then he should know what tests to perform. good Luck!

maybe low blood sugar, that would happen to me too, my doctor said i might have a little low blood sugar and to drink OJ or something of that sorts. he said it was normal and a lot of woman get like that.

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