Stomach pain from drinking water? – Paleo

by Symptom Advice on May 16, 2011

I’m not sure if this is paleo related… but here is what’s up.

Been doing Paleo for a couple of months and kept some track of the changes in my body. at first I noticed that it seemed I would get restless leg syndrome at night the first few weeks I started (never had before, went away and hasn’t returned… not sure if it is related to my paleo diet/lifestyle).

I also started the LeanGains regimen last week.

So… last week my wife gets a stomach bug… really sick for one day only, including nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc.

A day later I feel some sour stomach symptoms but felt alright (no dizziness or nausea). Next morning, since I don’t eat breakfast, I drink some water and my stomach is on fire. after throwing up (and the dinner I had from the night before) I felt better and went to work. (Never felt that kind of heartburn/stomach-pain)

Still doing the LeanGains regimen, but the problem now that it seems any time I drink water (filtered from the tap, which I have been drinking for years, no problem) I get that same burning sensation. I have to take small sips and let the burning go away (usually after 5-10 minutes) before sipping any more.

Weird part is that I can eat food and not have the burning sensation. I can even take my multivitamin (when I would normally have burning sensations if I don’t take it with food), or my liquid fish oil supplement and have no problems at all. I’ve even chanced it and sprinkled cyan pepper and Tabasco on my eggs and felt nothing.

So what is it about the water? even if I sip water WITH my meal I’ll feel the burning sensation, but if I don’t sip water I’m good. does this have to do with going Paleo, macronutrient ratio change (body adjusting), or my LeanGains eating schedule? Or maybe it’s all still the stomach bug (assuming I caught it from my wife).

A little more info: I’ve NEVER had heartburn before… and the burning doesn’t feel like it’s in my esophagus, but more underneath my stomach… like as if the water getting released into my small intestine and the burning happens at the lower stomach sphincter.

Somebody help me hack this, please.

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