How to , Why Treatments Heartburn ?

by Symptom Advice on May 16, 2011

Heartburn – Pregnancy Symptoms and treatment – Antacids

There are many remedies for heartburn during pregnancy, including antacids. in fact, antacids are the most common remedy for heartburn. although you should consult your doctor before taking antacids to speak in what is generally very safe.

they must learn that antacids for the best work. You may find that some antacids for a period of time, then work to stop working. At this point you may need to experiment until you returnfind the right antacids for your body.

Pregnancy symptoms and treatments – – Heartburn your diet

if your heartburn during pregnancy will have to pay attention to your diet. in addition, the food that the consensus usually can suddenly become a problem. they want to pay close attention to the coffee (regular and decaffeinated), caffeine, chocolate, fatty foods, tomatoes and citrus fruits.

You also need the quantity of food they eat to see you. You canI think they're eating for two, but the reality is if you are eating extra stomach acid, will in turn lead to heartburn. Watch what you eat especially if you eat fatty or fried foods.

in addition to watching what you eat, you see what you drink. in general, you should cut out all carbonated beverages, coffee (regular and decaffeinated) and all the caffeine. Stay away from citrus fruits, and (orange juice, grapefruit juice, lemonade,limeade, etc.). these drinks can have significant heartburn.

Heartburn – Symptoms of pregnancy and care – sleeping habits

Heartburn can be very uncomfortable and keep you in the night. One of the reasons why many women have a difficult time when trying to sleep is the simple law of gravity. if you travel with your stomach a chance to overtake. Flat on the bed, can easily go up to stomach acid.

Try to support your upperBody so that your upper body raised. this, of course, lead to stomach acid that remains in force. an easy way to do this is something under the front legs of the bed or put a pillow "wedge", now hold the upper body should increase.

if you have symptoms of heartburn during pregnancy, you get a craving or to try to help more of these treatments to relieve your heartburn. Finding the right treatment help or treatment, it has a much smoother pregnancy.

Pregnancy symptoms and treatment – Heartburn


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