Ten Neurological Signs Of Having Lyme Disease That You Need To Know

by Symptom Advice on March 21, 2011

February 17th, 2011 by ghost

Some neurological symptoms of Lyme disease which you should look out for are numbness, abnormal feelings in the limbs, Bell’s palsy, meningitis, vision problems, difficulty in concentrating, memory loss, encephalopathy, sleep disturbances, and also cognitive impairment.

Lyme disease is an infection caused due to the bite of an infected tick. the illness is caused by the bacterium known as Borrelia burgdorferi. Forested areas and those with lush grasses are ripe for tick habitat so if you live near these, always protect yourself when you go outside. Symptoms of Lyme disease include a rash in the bite area which spreads over time and many flu-like symptoms, such as fever, body pains, fatigue and chills. besides the usual symptoms that manifest in the early stages of Lyme’s disease, there are certain neurological symptoms that one has to look out for which show up a few weeks or even many years later.

People who have nerve damage or nerve disease often experience a sensation of numbness. many people describe the feeling as something like pins and needles on their skin, and people suffering from Lyme disease will often feel a prickling or burning pain in the affected area. unlike paralysis where patients are unable to move, numbness causes patients to experience a loss of sensation.

Uncommon sensations in the limbs

the muscles of patients’ limbs will often undergo a weakening sensation. They may also experience swelling, burning, bruising, and a tingling sensation in their arms and legs.

Bell’s palsy is another symptom of having a Lyme diseases. Bell’s palsy occurs by sudden paralysis of the facial muscles caused by complications in the patient’s facial nerves. Sometimes patients experience paralysis in half of or their whole face.

Meningitis is one serious complication of Lyme disease. This condition can lead to a very rapid death as the membranes around the brain and spinal cord swell. In meningitis patients experience stiff necks and headaches that are not cured by typical over-the-counter medicines. They also become sensitive to light.

Difficulty in eyesight or vision

This may result in problem in the eye sight. They may experience distorted, impaired or blurry vision, night blindness and even loss of sight.

Problems in terms of concentration

Lyme disease is a physical condition that is known to affect a patient’s concentration. Patients might possibly have difficulty in concentrating and focusing on a single task.

People suffering from Lyme disease may also experience memory loss. When trying to remember something they may have difficulty in recalling the details and may feel little disoriented.

Lyme encephalopathy may result when Lyme disease is left untreated in its early stages. Symptoms of encephalopathy include dramatic mood swings, irritability, depression and a tingling sensation in the patient’s limbs.

Lyme disease has a variety of symptoms, including influencing once stable sleep patterns. They can have sleep disturbances such as insomnia and sleep apnea.

Cognitive impairment

Cognitive impairment can be caused by Lyme disease. Patients may have difficulty thinking and making rational decisions. also associated with cognitive impairment is poor concentration and memory loss.

Knowing about Lyme disease is critical to give suitable treatment before the condition worsens. All the same, prevention is still better than treatment, so follow every means of precaution to avoid getting infected with the illness.

If you need more information on Lyme disease symptoms, then you should visit lymediseaseblog.com/lyme-disease-symptoms/.

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