What are the symptoms of ANOREXIA NERVOSA?

by Symptom Advice on March 21, 2011

Common feelings and actions that are linked to anorexia nervosa include:1
* having an intense fear of gaining weight.
* Restricting food or types of food, such as food that contains any kind of fat or sugar.
* Weighing less than 85% of your expected body weight. (In a child or teen, losing or not gaining weight during a growth spurt is a concern.)
* seeing your body as overweight, in spite of being underweight. this is called having a distorted body image.
* Overexercising.
* being secretive around food and not seeing or wanting to talk about having a problem with eating or weight loss.some people who have anorexia also make themselves vomit or use laxatives or diuretics to lose weight (bulimia). Breakdown of the enamel on the teeth is a common symptom of long-term vomiting.
Common physical signs of malnutrition from anorexia include:3
* a low body weight.
* Constipation and slow emptying of the stomach.
* Thinning hair, dry skin, and brittle nails.
* Shrunken breasts.
* stopping or never getting a monthly menstrual period.
* Feeling cold, with a lower-than-normal body temperature.
* Low blood pressure.
* a slow heartbeat (fewer than 60 beats a minute).
* Not feeling pain as you normally would.
* Purplish skin color on the arms and legs from poor blood circulation.
* Swollen feet and hands.
* Yellow-orange skin, especially on the palms of the hands.
People who have anorexia often develop rituals associated with eating. these may include:
* Developing special ways to eat food, hoarding food, collecting recipes, and preparing elaborate meals for other people but not eating the meals themselves.
* Spending a lot of time cutting and rearranging food on their plates to make it look as though they have eaten. they may also hide food or secretly get rid of it during meals.

•Planning your meals frequently
•Refusal to go to social events
•Not eating
•Constantly exercising or asking about weight
•Very thin
•Secretive and shy

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