The symptoms of spinal tuberculosis? Of spinal tuberculosis

by Symptom Advice on March 9, 2011

spinal tuberculosis is an extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Spinal tuberculosis in people living in poverty is very common during infectious diseases, due to the widespread use of anti-TB drugs and the improvement of living conditions, spine the incidence of TB decreased. but in recent years due to drug resistance of bacteria to increase the role of a combination of factors such as the incidence of spinal tuberculosis have been enhanced.

spinal tuberculosis occur in children and adolescents, is a types of secondary pulmonary tuberculosis. the primary lesion as tuberculosis or gastrointestinal tuberculosis. in China, the majority of primary pulmonary tuberculosis. spinal tuberculosis can occur in active primary TB, but most occur in the primary lesion has been static or even recovered many years later.

active in the primary tumor, tuberculosis by the bloodstream to the spine not necessarily an immediate onset. it can lie dormant for years, the body’s resistance to stand-down, such as trauma, malnutrition, fatigue transition and other predisposing factors, can promote active and latent tuberculosis clinical symptoms. If the body’s resistance to strong, latent TB can be suppressed or even disappear.

spinal tuberculosis of bone and joint tuberculosis accounts for about 50% of the total body bone tuberculosis in the first place, of which the majority of vertebral tuberculosis. Annex tuberculosis is very rare. in the whole lumbar spine in the greatest degree, the highest incidence of spinal tuberculosis, followed by thoracic, cervical less sacral caudal tuberculosis is uncommon.

vertebral destruction of the cold abscess formation can be in two forms: 1, paravertebral abscess: to accumulate in the sides and front of the more common. pus will off the periosteum, the gap can be up and down along the ligament spread, so that the edge of a number of vertebral bone erosion appeared. it can also enter the spinal canal to the rear, the spinal cord and nerve root compression. 2, flow injection abscess: paravertebral abscess can flow to the bottom of the gap along the fascia, appears far away from the lesion site of abscess. such as: lower thoracic and lumbar psoas abscess can form, iliac fossa abscess, spinal deltoid abscess, groin abscess, and even knee abscess.

early manifestation of the slow onset of this disease is not typical, and many patients had a kyphosis kyphosis, cold abscess, even paralysis and other manifestations of spinal tuberculosis come late for treatment, diagnosis, and easily as lumbar disc herniation, degenerative spinal arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, spinal tumors and other diseases.

mostly secondary to spinal tuberculosis as tuberculosis, mostly drug-resistant bacteria, experts in Chinese medicine hospital in Chongqing Yi-Ching to stop anti-tuberculosis drugs, the use of pure Chinese medicine treatment of spine targets directional transdermal tuberculosis, with exclusive direct access to lesions of drug penetration to form a high concentration of infiltration, direct penetration to kill bacteria, and its effectiveness to mention pus Sida as the carrier fluid itself abscess or sinus drainage in the sequestrum, excluding inflammatory substances, eliminating swelling, fever subsided, appetizers and spleen, promote appetite, solid internal organs of the country, strengthen the body’s resistance to diseases, tuberculosis kills hidden bacteria. target directional transdermal therapy on the pathological acidic environment, reconstruction of blood vessels and lymphatic network, to promote bone repair and restore the physiological function of bone, from a fundamental treatment of spinal tuberculosis.

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