Things To Know About Prostate Cancer

by Symptom Advice on January 12, 2011

Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the prostate gland in the male reproductive system. It is a walnut like organ below the bladder which is responsible to produce liquid in the semen. this cancer forms in a slow pace however, there are some cases of aggressive prostate cancer.

Slow paced prostate cancer may not cause significant harm but the aggressive types are more deadly and can cause various symptoms. this includes difficulty in urinating, problems during sexual intercourse, pain in the lower back and hips, erectile dysfunction, blood in urine or semen.

Not all prostate related symptoms are cancerous. this organ grows as men age which causes constant pressure on the neighboring organs such as bladder. once the prostate grows in an abnormal size, you can also suffer from prostate cancer symptoms. this condition is called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). this is not cancer and can be treated once it become irritating.

Prostatitis on the other hand is a urination disorder that are caused by inflammation or infection. once affected, the patient may suffer from fever and the disease can simply be treated with medicinal solutions.

On the other hand, prostate cancer cells can rapidly metastasize from its original location which is prostate, to other parts of the body such as the bones, bladder and lymph nodes.

Risk factors includes getting old, genetics and improper diet all constitutes to the development of this type of cancer. Masturbation, too much sex and vasectomy cannot cause prostate cancer and enlarged prostate does not necessary results to this type of disease.

To diagnose the disease, patients must undergo physical examinations, biopsy of the tumor, CT scan, bone scan and prostate-specific antigen or PSA. the most accurate tool is the PSA which can determine the cancer formation more precisely. unfortunately, none of this test can help decrease mortality of any affected individual.

Treatments for prostate cancer is also similar with other types of cancers that includes surgery, radiation therapy, proton therapy, hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, cryosurgery and high intensity focused ultrasound.

Factors like the underlying health, the extent of the metastasis and the body’s response to the cancer treatment all plays an important role in the treatment outcome of the disease. the known beneficial and harmful effects of cancer therapy treatments all depends on the patient’s perspectives on what type of curative intent the patient’s prefer.

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