Unicameral Bone Cyst : Orthopedics

by Symptom Advice on February 10, 2011

February 9, 2011 in Bones

A unicameral bone cyst or a simple bone cyst is a disease usually found in children or persons who are less than twenty years old. this condition leads to the formation of a bone cavity which contains a straw color liquid. this condition is usually asymptomatic in many children and also a non-cancerous one. it is not exactly known, what causes this disease.

Unicameral Bone Cyst: this non-cancerous cyst usually develops either in the thigh bone or the upper arm. although unlikely, the ankle, pelvis and heel may also have the presence of these cysts.

Exact causes of the disease are still unknown, but it is possible that the epiphyseal plate which contains hyaline cartilage (acts as a lubricant between joints) and is present in the long bones (like the arm and thigh) in the body may possess a growth defect. although, this is just a theory and not conclusive.

Symptoms: as mentioned above, these cysts are usually asymptomatic. these cysts are lesions when closer to this epiphyseal plate are called active cysts and as their distance from the plate increases, they are called latent cysts.

  • These cysts have to treated immediately if they begin to weaken the adjacent bones. Thinning of the bones can render them vulnerable to fractures and micro fractures.
  • Micro fractures can cause immense pain and swelling in the region containing the cyst along with a deformity.
  • Also, weakened bones begin to pain upon trying to perform any weight bearing activities.

Diagnosis: Children between the ages 5-15 are known to be the ones most vulnerable to the development of this cyst. on an average, a child can develop this cyst during his/her 9th year.

Imaging techniques like X-rays, MRI and tomography easily spot the cavity in the bones.

Treatment: Since the cyst goes asymptomatic usually, the progress of the cyst is usually monitored from time to time by doctors. But once the unicameral bone cyst starts growing big and thin the bone leaving it vulnerable to fracture, a doctor would drain the cyst and inject steroids until the pain recedes and the healing starts.

Sometimes, even a surgery or internal fixation techniques are also suggested for healing the cysts.

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