What are basic symptoms of herpes?

by Symptom Advice on March 26, 2011

can herpes be transmitted mouth to mouth, what are the symptoms?

It's not common but it's possible. the type of herpes that occurs on the mouth is HSV1 or what causes cold sores and fever blisters.
Usually you get some itching, burning and or tingling symptoms around the lips at the time a break out happens. Herpes usually takes about 2-30 days to show symptoms. Even if you do get a break out on you mouth, you could have had it for a long time. Most people that get cold sores on their mouth get it during child hood by being innocently kissed by some one that has cold sores. they are also very common to have and nothing major to worry over. but they are contagious during a break out so if you get a cold sore don't kiss any one while you have it.

yes that type is considered HSV1. from articles read you are suppose to get flu like symptoms

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