What are the symptoms of brain TB?

by Symptom Advice on February 16, 2011

What are the symptoms of brain TB?

When the brain is affected with the tuberculosis, it is mainly characterized by severe headache, vomiting and fever. If these symptoms disappear for one or two days, then they may be due to some other reason. If these symptoms last for two or three weeks or more then they are due to this tuberculosis. In some people these symptoms are seen along with the other symptoms like refraction problems, loss of appetite and feel of restlessness. Hands and legs will be very weak. In such people fits are one of the main symptom. The symptoms of this disease will be according to the site in the brain where these glands are formed. If the gland in the brain is formed at the occipital lobe, then the refraction of eye is affected. If it is affected in the perital region, then the patient will become dumb. If it is affected in the temporal region then the symptoms will be loss of memory and others. Covering that covers the brain extends to spine region also. The infection in the brain region may also spread to the spine region. this condition is called spinal tuberculosis. The bacterium which has being spread into the spinal region will eat away the spines. this condition is characterized by the symptoms like severe pain in the spine, pains in hands and legs along with other symptoms like stopping of urination, senselessness in the region from hips to the legs and erectile dysfunction. There is a chance of getting bent spine. this disease will spread rapidly in the patient suffering from HIV or from any other disease because the resistance power in them will be less. The severity of the condition will also increase rapidly. Normally, the symptoms of this disease are seen only after two or three months after the entry of the bacteria, but in people with low resistance due to the affect of other diseases, symptoms are seen after three or four days after the entry of the bacteria.

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